Death by Stupidity.


Golden Member
Apr 20, 2002
Lots of dumb ways to kill yourself when you're's the worst I ever heard.

Death by Fish. This guy was drunk at an outdoor picnic with his family. So he reaches down and catches a small fish from a stream. He holds it up and announces "Hey watch this". With that he tips his head back and swollows it alive. Heh...this was no goldfish. It was a Bluegill, which expanded it's spiny fins as it was being swollowed. The guy immediately got a funny look on his face...the fish was lodged in his throat. Wouldn't go down. When his friends tried to pull it out, the spines penetrated his windpipe. He died a horrible death. way to eat a fish is fried, cut into pieces. This happened a few years ago in Missouri. We were laughing about it today at work. Poor guy....


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
Not necessarily...I used to go to the Fair with my cousins. We would win goldfish by tossing ping pong balls, and then eat them in front of the kids. My cousin got kicked out one year for it. :)


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2000
I heard a true story of a man who managed to get frostbite in 95 degree weather in the summer. He was at a NASCAR race, drank all the beer in his cooler, then put his feet in the cooler to well, cool off. Redneck...


Senior member
Aug 4, 2000
how about what an idiot.

Winchester Police Capt. David Sobonya said Raymond "Raven" Poore, a construction worker, apparently was beating the dog on the head with the butt of a rifle-shotgun when it discharged and hit him in the lower abdomen. He said there was dog hair on the butt of the weapon, which has a .22-caliber rifle barrel atop a .410-gauge shotgun barrel and is used to hunt small game.

the guy kills himself trying to beat his dog to death... with the butt of his shotgun... with the barrel aimed right at his own body.

and that only happened this past Saturday.