EDIT This deal is dead. Staples no longer pm's mail in rebates. CSR told me it was specifically due to the free memory pm's from OM, which I did not even get! Hope you all enjoy your free memory.
Beginning 6/29, BB has:
Maxtor 120GB 8mb cache hard drive for $79.99 after rebates
Maxtor 40GB 2mb cache hard drive for $39.99 after rebates.
The warm deal:
Buy them both today at Staples or staples.com
120GB= $149.98
40GB = $ 89.98
Invoice total = $239.96 + tax
Call Staples tomorrow (or go back to B&M if purchased there) for the following price matches:
120GB $149.98 - $79.99 = 69.99 + 10% of $69.99 = $76.98
40GB $89.98 - $39.99 = $49.99 + 10% of $49.99 = $54.98
Total of pm's = $131.96
Original price of = $239.96
Total of pm's = $131.96
Final cost of $108.00 + tax for both drives.
If you are lucky enough to use a Staples coupon and be allowed to keep it after the pricematch, this could be hot!
$20 off = $88.00 + tax
$30 off = $78.00 + tax
$40 off = $68.00 + tax
$50 off = $58.00 + tax
Find the coupon and make your best deal.
And yes, you can get them individually for $73.00 and $35.00 dollars each, respectively, but if you get them both you probably have a better chance of using a coupon.
Beginning 6/29, BB has:
Maxtor 120GB 8mb cache hard drive for $79.99 after rebates
Maxtor 40GB 2mb cache hard drive for $39.99 after rebates.
The warm deal:
Buy them both today at Staples or staples.com
120GB= $149.98
40GB = $ 89.98
Invoice total = $239.96 + tax
Call Staples tomorrow (or go back to B&M if purchased there) for the following price matches:
120GB $149.98 - $79.99 = 69.99 + 10% of $69.99 = $76.98
40GB $89.98 - $39.99 = $49.99 + 10% of $49.99 = $54.98
Total of pm's = $131.96
Original price of = $239.96
Total of pm's = $131.96
Final cost of $108.00 + tax for both drives.
If you are lucky enough to use a Staples coupon and be allowed to keep it after the pricematch, this could be hot!
$20 off = $88.00 + tax
$30 off = $78.00 + tax
$40 off = $68.00 + tax
$50 off = $58.00 + tax
Find the coupon and make your best deal.
And yes, you can get them individually for $73.00 and $35.00 dollars each, respectively, but if you get them both you probably have a better chance of using a coupon.