DEAD/Staples no longer pm's rebates/Staples-Maxtor 120GB AND Maxtor 40GB for $108.00 after pm + tax OR LESS with coupon


Golden Member
Mar 16, 2001
EDIT This deal is dead. Staples no longer pm's mail in rebates. CSR told me it was specifically due to the free memory pm's from OM, which I did not even get! Hope you all enjoy your free memory.

Beginning 6/29, BB has:

Maxtor 120GB 8mb cache hard drive for $79.99 after rebates
Maxtor 40GB 2mb cache hard drive for $39.99 after rebates.

The warm deal:

Buy them both today at Staples or

120GB= $149.98
40GB = $ 89.98

Invoice total = $239.96 + tax

Call Staples tomorrow (or go back to B&M if purchased there) for the following price matches:

120GB $149.98 - $79.99 = 69.99 + 10% of $69.99 = $76.98
40GB $89.98 - $39.99 = $49.99 + 10% of $49.99 = $54.98

Total of pm's = $131.96

Original price of = $239.96
Total of pm's = $131.96

Final cost of $108.00 + tax for both drives.

If you are lucky enough to use a Staples coupon and be allowed to keep it after the pricematch, this could be hot!

$20 off = $88.00 + tax
$30 off = $78.00 + tax
$40 off = $68.00 + tax
$50 off = $58.00 + tax

Find the coupon and make your best deal.:)

And yes, you can get them individually for $73.00 and $35.00 dollars each, respectively, but if you get them both you probably have a better chance of using a coupon.;)


Jun 27, 2003
This isn't a valid deal, at least for next week.... because, Staples already has a rebate until July 5th on the 120GB, and since the 120GB ends up being $79.99 AR at both locations, there's no PM. Am I right?

Here's the Staples link.


Senior member
Oct 30, 2002
Yeah, I think you're right. If Staples also has a rebate on an item the deal isn't good because they take into account their rebate. The really good deals are when Staples has no rebates on the item.


Senior member
May 29, 2001
Originally posted by: shagman
This isn't a valid deal, at least for next week.... because, Staples already has a rebate until July 5th on the 120GB, and since the 120GB ends up being $79.99 AR at both locations, there's no PM. Am I right?

Here's the Staples link.

That's the 2MB cache drive. No current rebate on the 8MB drive. I'm in, since they cancelled my orders last time. :(


Senior member
Oct 30, 2002
Good job, EDiT. I didn't bother looking at the link. Good deal since there's no rebate on the 8MB cache drive.


Junior Member
May 7, 2003
Are you sure Staples matches rebates. I have tried to get them to do it a few times and they said they couldent. Is there anything on their price match policy that says they will?


Golden Member
Mar 16, 2001
Originally posted by: shady06
Originally posted by: DarkManX
staples pricematches rebates?

according to the people over at chubbywallet, staples has changed their PM policy so that they only PM instant rebates

Hopefully they are wrong. If it is true, it is definitely something new. The worst that can happen is you order it today or tomorrow and do the pm. If they refuse it, you cancel the order. If they approve it, like they always have in the past, you are good to go.

Staples has told me in the past that they don't pm manufacturer's rebates. Their logic behind this is that a manufacturer's rebate can also be used at Staples. This is almost always false! Point out to them the fact that it will say "for purchases made at Best Buy only" in the rebate submission form, and they will do the pm. Just like the recent pm's to, compusa, and Fry's.

Certainly ymmv, but it has never failed for me.

And as pointed out already, the current rebate is for the 100GB + 20GB hard drive deal, with the 2mb cache. No current rebates on the 8mb cache model.


Golden Member
Mar 16, 2001
Originally posted by: bfunny27
They wouldn't price match mine up here in Seattle =/

Did you try to pm BB? If you did, that is pretty questionable. The deal doesn't start until tomorrow, as I stated in my original post. If people start calling now and alert Staples of the pm possibility they are likely to remove it from the website!

bad, bad, bad.
Apr 17, 2003
Originally posted by: DUKAT1
Originally posted by: shady06
Originally posted by: DarkManX
staples pricematches rebates?

according to the people over at chubbywallet, staples has changed their PM policy so that they only PM instant rebates

Hopefully they are wrong. If it is true, it is definitely something new. The worst that can happen is you order it today or tomorrow and do the pm. If they refuse it, you cancel the order. If they approve it, like they always have in the past, you are good to go.

Staples has told me in the past that they don't pm manufacturer's rebates. Their logic behind this is that a manufacturer's rebate can also be used at Staples. This is almost always false! Point out to them the fact that it will say "for purchases made at Best Buy only" in the rebate submission form, and they will do the pm. Just like the recent pm's to, compusa, and Fry's.

Certainly ymmv, but it has never failed for me.

And as pointed out already, the current rebate is for the 100GB + 20GB hard drive deal, with the 2mb cache. No current rebates on the 8mb cache model.

it seems that they started this policy after they lost all that money with the 256mb DDR deal


Golden Member
Mar 16, 2001
Originally posted by: shady06

it seems that they started this policy after they lost all that money with the 256mb DDR deal

If that's so, I guess I'll be cancelling my order. I'll update the thread tomorrow after I try the pm.


Senior member
May 29, 2001
Originally posted by: DUKAT1
Originally posted by: shady06

it seems that they started this policy after they lost all that money with the 256mb DDR deal

If that's so, I guess I'll be cancelling my order. I'll update the thread tomorrow after I try the pm.

Hmm...when was that deal? 2 weeks ago this same deal was available on the 120GB drive and they did the PM then. I just ordered after it was OOS so they cancelled mine.


Golden Member
Mar 16, 2001
From Staples website pm policy found here

"Staples will price match to another company?s final price after deducting an instant savings offer. If, however, another company offers a product that comes with a mail-in rebate, gift check, gift card or the equivalent, there will be no price match. For example, if another company offers a mail-in rebate with the purchase of a printer, and Staples price for the printer is less than or equal to the other company's price for the printer before the mail-in rebate, there will be no price match."




Golden Member
Mar 16, 2001
Originally posted by: prometheusxls
I would like to hear if they have changed their policy. :)

Yes they have. As i edited above, this deal is dead, and it seems so are all others at Staples which require a pm to a mir.

CSR's exact words "We changed the policy on Friday. With all that had gone on in the previous three days having to give people free memory to price match Office Max, we were getting killed and had to change the policy".



Senior member
Oct 30, 2002
It's too bad that we/FW/others overused the PM policy on crappy RAM that doesn't cost that much in the first place. We'd have been better off limiting the PM use to valuable stuff like HDs. Eventually Staples may have gotten killed on those items too, but the good deals would have probably lasted a little while longer.


Senior member
Apr 24, 2002
Dipshiites. Losing an endless run of $80 discounts on HD's, to save $0.00 on DDR that would''ve been FVKCING FREE ANYWAYS IF THEY JUST MAILED IN THE @#$()*&%(*$#@% REBATES.

Oh well, i'm sure they'll all be content when they sell it for $7.50 on egay. (plus $15 s/h)


Senior member
Nov 12, 2002
**********Could we be so lucky to write Letters to Staples Customer Service and try to get them to restructure there policy to read no Price Matches to say Advertized FREE* items, through rebates!

Cause it would be not right or benefital to stop PM to Companys that whan't to offer there own Personal Rebate out of there own profit expence.
That would be money Staples would be loosing by doing this. We are bringing in , Most of the time a portion of a profit when doing what we do here AT HOTDEALS, for Staples. So I think it whould not be a wize move from a Share Holders prospective..
They need to retain what has been bringing them in revenue @ times like these in our Economy.

Any thoughts?
and yes it was very stupid on some pepoles part to take advantage of a working system on such a cheap nothing that will haunt them for ever*!*!*:(

Take a :camera: because this is the last :clock: you will ever see these great DEALS :beer: