Originally posted by: user1234
I still can't believe these simple RAM modules are as expensive as some good CPUs like Athlon XP 2500+. I mean it must be some unnatural limiting of production to keep the supply down and the price up, because these simple electronic devices that any POS company can make cannot in your worst nightmare have even 0.00001% the complexity of design that CPU has got in it, and therefore should be 10x cheaper at least. I know demand for memory has increased greatly this year, but still it's almost obvious something funny is going on here, as these things probably cost no more than $5 to make. I predict a collapse in memory prices coming soon, the manufacturers right now are still trying to squeeze every last cent they can while the supply demand equation is still artifically manipulated so they can charge these prices.
Originally posted by: user1234
I still can't believe these simple RAM modules are as expensive as some good CPUs like Athlon XP 2500+. I mean it must be some unnatural limiting of production to keep the supply down and the price up, because these simple electronic devices that any POS company can make cannot in your worst nightmare have even 0.00001% the complexity of design that CPU has got in it, and therefore should be 10x cheaper at least. I know demand for memory has increased greatly this year, but still it's almost obvious something funny is going on here, as these things probably cost no more than $5 to make. I predict a collapse in memory prices coming soon, the manufacturers right now are still trying to squeeze every last cent they can while the supply demand equation is still artifically manipulated so they can charge these prices.
Is this based on a certain report or article....cause I would hold off my purchases if this is for real.Originally posted by: user1234
it may be high now, but this cannot hold up for long as new capacity is coming online. 1 GB will be $50 by the end of the year.
Originally posted by: user1234
and who exactly is mushkin ? is it some huge electronics manfacturer from the far east or a domestic giant ? maybe a japanese corpotation, or perhaps taiwanese, korean I wonder, for god's sake even malaysan or indonesiam will do (even though it's starting to be suspicious). No, I don't think so. It's probaby just some small time biz doing oem with some generic factory.... paying them no more than a quarter of what they charge retail, and pocketing a huge profit. Yep, this RAM business is over sturated with profiteering right now, and this has got to stop.
Originally posted by: user1234
this is a public service anouncement to help them understand that paying $70 for 512MB PC3200 RAM is not the great deal it might appear to be (unless you are a memory dealer, retailer or gouger of course).
and btw, what do you know about the great pioneer electronics comapny called mushkin ? where is their high tech manufacturing facility located, other than the owner's backyard garage in a mountain timezone state ?
Originally posted by: screw3d
Dude, stop posting!