I just updated some drivers on my Tyan S2380 Slot A (850) based system and on reboot the system hung. I powered the system off and restarted and the vid would not initialize, but it also failed to give me its customary beep at startup. I powered the system down again, unplugged it, opened it up to check all the cards and fans, powered it back up to see if all the fans were spinning (they were, still no post), removed all the cards but the vid, still no post, changed vid card from Matrox g400 AGP to a trident PCI card, still no post. I unplugged everything (tape, cd, HD, FD) no post. Removed the ram, no error tone. I even tried using a different monitor with no luck. Also, my numlock on my keyboard no longer lights up and I get no error tones from the MB itself. Did my MB just up and die on me or did I miss something?
Any help would be appreciated.
Any help would be appreciated.