(Dead) FREE! or $4.99 CenDyne 32x12x40 AR & coupon at Staples with PM (Updated)


Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2000
(DEAD) Update #1 Outpost.com has the Cendyne 32x drive for $49.99 with a $20 MIR, have a Staples store price match a print out the page on Outpost.com with the 32x drive on it. Link to Outpost.com 32x drive page, Staples has a $50 MIR

So it's: Cendyne 32x12x40 $79.99 - $30.08 (100%) Outpost.com PM = $49.90 - $50 MIR = -$0.10, if Staples lets you also use a $10 off $40 Staples printable coupon it's =$43.19 - $50 MIR = -$6.81. They may want to add the cost of Outpost.com over night shipping, which starts at $7.95. As always when doing a PM YMMV.
Link to Staples rebate (07/22/2002 to 09/30/2002).
For Staples coupons do a search on Google.com key word " Staples coupons"
So far poeple who own the CenDyne 32x drive have identified the rebadged mfgs as Lite-on, verbatim (Rebadged Lite-ons), Mitsumi (16MB Buffer, supports the 'Mt. Rainier' format), AOpen (reads at 48x, 8MB Buffer) and a new one the OptoRite.

To identify which rebadged drive is in the Cendyne box look at the serials # on the top right label at the back of the box and the model number on the newer boxes.

Lite-on 32x mfg drive have 12 digits, no letters - Sample (123456789012), Model #LTR-32123S or the newer mfg (overclockable) #LTR-32123W.
Verbatim 32x mfg drive have (rebadged Lite-on drives) 12 digits, no letters - Sample (123456789012), Model #VBT321240A
Mitsumi 32x drives have 22 digits mostly numbers -Sample (CR-123ATE45678A12QH9012), Model #CR-480ATE. Also says 16BM buffer on the box.
AOpen 32x drives have 22 digits mostly numbers with three letters near the end -Sample (123D12345678901234JED1) or (123D12345678901234JEE4), Model #CRW3248 or #32x12x48 CD-RW
New! OptoRite 32x Model #CW3201

Here's a head to head comparison of the Lite-on and Mittsumi 32x drives Link to 32X roundup
Lite-on 32x review
Mitsumi 32x review
Verbatim 32x Info
AOpen 32x review
New! OptoRite 32x Info
CenDyne has posted a firmware updates (X8S6) for the Verbatim mfg drives, so there's no need to flash the Verbatim to a LiteOn just to update the firmware. Link to CenDyne/Verbatim updates Text
(For CD-RW Drive, SMART-BURN may limit CD-R burning speed base on the information that check the media info & quality. You can use this program to know what media you are using & what speed limit is set by SMART-BURN.)
for more detail please download pdf file HERE

SMART-BURN Media Check Program download (435KB)


Golden Member
Apr 2, 2002
I couldn't get to the CenDyne drive page on officemax.com so how can I show Staples OM's price without being able to print out the page??


Jul 13, 2002
So I guess you have to have a local OfficeMax to take part in this deal? I didn't see the burner on their website.


Senior member
Jan 23, 2001
" ... - use the Staples $15 off $75 printable coupon = $4.99 at OfficeMax (Starts Sun. 7-28)"

I have no reason to upgrade my good old 12x Plex. :)
Still have 10+ of 12x disc though. :disgust:


Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Kendizzie
There is no $15 of of $75 officemax coupon
Officemax.com will accept all competitor's coupons, in Officemax stores it's up to the manager to decide to accept a competitor's coupon or not.



Golden Member
Aug 24, 2001
Last year we had some Free Ram after MIR....
This year we have Free CDRW after MIR, PM and coupon....
What's for next year???? Free CPU?????

Thanks mysticman1.....


Senior member
Sep 22, 2001
Nice post, but why do I feel a little bored about it all??

Now, if this was a free 40x or 48x, I might be getting excited a little.


Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2000

I'm sure the person that gets the free CDRW that you don't want will be very happy with it and the price.
If you were a true Anandtech "Ferengi" you would be thinking of now you are going to spend the money you get from selling the free CDRW and how can you buy more than one. ;)
My motto is "FREE is always a good price".


Senior member
Mar 22, 2000
I have no reason to upgrade my good old 12x Plex.
Still have 10+ of 12x disc though.

I am thinking of upgrading my old 12x Plextor after great experience with 48x Lite-on. If Nero allows you to burn a 12x cd-r at 40x, you can do that without any problem. When you put a blank cd-r media into the tray, Nero will check the media type and only allow you to burn at the speed appropriate for that particular cd-r. For my 48x Lite-on (an overclocked 40x lite-on), sometimes I am only allow to burn at 32x. I have burned several 24x cd-r media under 48x without any problem. The type of cd-r media is important. It is not depend on the max speed marked on the cd-r media. BTW, my overclocked lite-on supports Mt. Rainier!


Senior member
Apr 8, 2002
I bought the cendyne drive the beginning of the month at staples and sent in for the $50 MIB. Well now it says invalid cause it was postmarked after the promotion date. Thats a bunch of b.s, I sent it in right away. The same time I filled out the online submission and that was on the 5th of this month. The deadline ends the 13th. I havent got my postcard back yet telling me this but the online submission site says this. Man am I pissed. Already sold the drive. Now what??


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2000
seatidex, you can turn off the SmartBurn feature and burn at whatever speed you want. This is what I did. Nero was only allowing me to burn at 12X on some 24X rated CD's (that in fact burn fine at 40X). This does not disable the buffer underrun feature. Go to "Choose Recorder" and "options" and you'll see a SmartBurn checkbox.


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2000
Chevydriver, I would go into your local Staples and talk to the manager, explaining that you won't buy again from them if they can't honor their advertised specials and rebates. I'd imagine that he/she can call someone who can clear it up.

Hope you kept a copy of the receipt and UPC code.


May 10, 2001
Thanks MysticMan1 for bombarding us with so many CDRW deals.

The idea of getting a 48x12x48x (OC'd LTR-32125W) for $5 or less makes this my #1 Hot Deal for next week.

Just wish there was a way to know which boxes have the "5W"

edit to note the OC model is LTR-32125W (there is no LTR-32123W)
fyi - read that the 5W was manufactured in/after April. So find a busy store with fresh stock!


Senior member
Mar 22, 2000

I know that. I think I had better keep SmartBurn feature on. I was still able to burn some 12x cd-r using 48x write speed!

For a free AR 48x burner (if you know how to overclock from a 32x to 48x), I can't resist the offer. :)



Junior Member
Jun 30, 2002
Thanks mysticMan1 for all the deals. I am having a very hard time doing pricematch or anything suggested here. Today I went to another officeMax and they refused to accept Staples price $80 for Cendyne40x12X48 saying that Staples has no rebates whereas we have a $40 rebate. He said we are selling cheaper.. or He wanted to see the Staples rebate. Frustrated I returned the drive but he wanted the rebate receipt also.. Saying that I could buy from Staples and claim the rebate from OfficeMax!! Somebody has really screwed up the SoCal stores. I can't get anything done, I haven't bought anything from officeMax in the past one year. I had a printed $10 off $50 coupon for officeMax and he said it is a copy he wanted an original! On the otherhand they had lots of photocopied 'friends and family' deals. What's going on? I give up on OfficeMax deals..


Golden Member
Mar 30, 2001
MysticMan1 - What city/state OM preview ad are you seing the Cendyne 32x for $59.99 before the MIR? I have looked at the preview ads for some 20 states and the few ads that even list a Cendyne 32X drive have it for $99.99 - $30IR - $40MIR = $29.99. For Example. Yu can tell the new OM preview ad for the week of 7/28 as it is the one with the "Back To School" promo on the front cover. Like This One. From what I have seen, it looks like a lot of regions are getting the Cendyne 24X for $69.99 - $10IR - $40MIR - $19.99. If you can post the city/state for the preview ad that comtains the $59.99 Cendyne 32X drive before the $40 MIR it would be much appreciated as we can then simply prinout that ad for the PM to Staples. Thanks. :)


Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2000

You're might be getting the old ad for this week, here's what the first page of the new ad (in Calif. city) Link to 32xCenDyne ad pic. Try closing your browser and deleting your cookies, then go to OfficeMax.com and on the right side of the first page click on "In-Store Features", and see what ad you get then.


Golden Member
Mar 30, 2001
Originally posted by: MysticMan1

You're might be getting the old ad for this week, here's what the first page of the new ad (in Calif. city) Link to 32xCenDyne ad pic. Try closing your browser and deleting your cookies, then go to OfficeMax.com and on the right side of the first page click on "In-Store Features", and see what ad you get then.

No I am positive the ads that are linke above are the correct ads for next week as they clearly are marked with a 7/28 start date Look at the working links I supplied. As you can see there is no $59.99 price in those ads and those are the ones that are comming up for most of the regions in the US that have the new ads posted. According to that ad the correct price is $69.99 after a $30 IR and before the $40.00 MIR. If you have a working link that shows a $59.99 price after the IR and before the MIR please post so that others can printout the ad with $59.99 price. (Hint, you cannot link the OM site due to session IDs. Go to the OM preview page that shows the $59.99 price and right click to get tot the properties tab and post the link to the JPEG displayed there.)

Thanks! A woking link showing the $59.99 price would be a big help as we can PM this deal now at Staples B&M with that printout as the Staples $50 MIR started Monday.

Edit, I found it in the NH ad. Here is a direct link to the JPEG to avoid the session IDs

I will try te PM tonight and post my results.



Senior member
Dec 31, 2001

I just found out last night XP doesn't like my old 4x SCSI CDR, so I've been thinking of upgrading. If I can get even a 32X CDRW for $50, woo-hoo!

I'll have to see if my local B&M accepts competitor's coupons.. Here's hoping!

Thanks mysticman1!