PureAV 10 Outlet Isolator, 12' Cord, 4720 Joules, Dual line Coax/Tel Prot - Blue Series - F9A1033fc12
$32 shipped or $22 shipped for new google checkout customers. no rebates/coupons.
Sells for $70 at newegg and $150 at dell. Good item to protect your investment.
The PureAV Isolator from Belkin offers power protection for home theater, audio/video, and digital entertainment components. This new offering provides the best surge protection available, using intricate circuitry that we've encased in rugged, fire-resistant metal. Offering the highest joule ratings and superior features, the PureAV's key advantage is power filter technology (PFT). PFT uses varying power filter levels to isolate and contain power line noise within individual pairs of receptacle banks. It provides the highest-quality protection available from overvoltages, and safeguards your sensitive home entertainment components from power line contamination, known as electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI).
4720 joules - highest-quality absorption protects your sensitive entertainment components from surges, spikes, and lightning
$300,000 Connected Equipment Warranty
12-Foot Heavy-Duty Power Cord delivers clean power through 14-gauge wiring; with straight plug
Power Filter Technology (PFT)-Isolates contamination to prevent AC and EMI/RFI to help provide quality sound and picture
Satellite, Cable TV, Antenna Coaxial Protection-Protects connected components with two pairs of gold coaxial connectors designed to improve signal; also protects cable modems.
2-Line/4-Pin Phone Line Protection with Built-in Splitter-Safeguards your single or two-line phone/DSL/ modems against backdoor power disturbances
Diagnostic Indicator Lights-Warns of power problem before equipment is connected
Lifetime Warranty
$32 shipped or $22 shipped for new google checkout customers. no rebates/coupons.
Sells for $70 at newegg and $150 at dell. Good item to protect your investment.
The PureAV Isolator from Belkin offers power protection for home theater, audio/video, and digital entertainment components. This new offering provides the best surge protection available, using intricate circuitry that we've encased in rugged, fire-resistant metal. Offering the highest joule ratings and superior features, the PureAV's key advantage is power filter technology (PFT). PFT uses varying power filter levels to isolate and contain power line noise within individual pairs of receptacle banks. It provides the highest-quality protection available from overvoltages, and safeguards your sensitive home entertainment components from power line contamination, known as electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI).
4720 joules - highest-quality absorption protects your sensitive entertainment components from surges, spikes, and lightning
$300,000 Connected Equipment Warranty
12-Foot Heavy-Duty Power Cord delivers clean power through 14-gauge wiring; with straight plug
Power Filter Technology (PFT)-Isolates contamination to prevent AC and EMI/RFI to help provide quality sound and picture
Satellite, Cable TV, Antenna Coaxial Protection-Protects connected components with two pairs of gold coaxial connectors designed to improve signal; also protects cable modems.
2-Line/4-Pin Phone Line Protection with Built-in Splitter-Safeguards your single or two-line phone/DSL/ modems against backdoor power disturbances
Diagnostic Indicator Lights-Warns of power problem before equipment is connected
Lifetime Warranty