I haven't taken the battery to get it tested yet. Using a DMM, the car battery open voltage is 12.0V.
After jump starting the car, voltage at battery terminals is 13.6V. Pull the throttle cable and voltage goes as high as 14V. Drove around for about 20 minutes and then let the car idle for 20 minutes. Shut off the car and the open voltage on the battery is still 12.0V and will not start on it's own.
Attempting to start results in rapid clicking noise and all the radio turning off.
After jump starting the car, voltage at battery terminals is 13.6V. Pull the throttle cable and voltage goes as high as 14V. Drove around for about 20 minutes and then let the car idle for 20 minutes. Shut off the car and the open voltage on the battery is still 12.0V and will not start on it's own.
Attempting to start results in rapid clicking noise and all the radio turning off.