DDR Memory Mobo's ?


Junior Member
Jun 17, 2001
Can anyone give some advice as to which mobo to consider. Getting 1.2Mhz T/Bird but not sure what road to go with memory. Read the forums, and liked the IWILL KK266-Raid. Now DDR mem prices are roughly same as SDRAM should I go this route, if so, is the KA266 a good choice? Not into O/C yet but maybe in future once I have learnt more.
Feedback would be much appreciated, also need to decide soon as g/friend is in Taiwan and hope to get her to bring one back.:D
Read more reviews, going to go DDR. Problem is now which chipset to go for.
Like what I've read about the Epox 8K7A+


Golden Member
Jun 17, 2001
Well but does the A7M266 support future AMD processors ???
Cous i'm going for expandibility (in other words a system that u can keep upgrading about Three to four times before u have to do a total swap of organs
(like I'm doing right now (see my sig for details on my two step upgrade)
Cous I want to have a comp that can last for about a year and a half before I need to do another big spending (meaning more than $1000)

EDIT : oops sig not okay yet ... will be fixed in 5 mins ...


Golden Member
Jun 17, 2001
Besides testing my sig I have another Q...

Are there 1 GB Dimms DDR mem ?
cous the 761 Northbridge supports 2 GB but most MB's only have 2 slots ...

hope the sig works now ..
I just noticed that the sig is independant from the message so it gets edited in all my messages ...
anyho this forumcode works just the opposite of html ...
u put the display line within the brackets and the actual link line outside the brackets ... strange


Senior member
Dec 23, 2000
First off all, unless you want to pay $180 for a uni-processor motherboard that doesn't include RAID, I would suggest a different motherboard. I'm using the Epox 8K7A, it is extremely stable and fast. Abit's AMD761 DDR motherboard should prove to be quite good as well. Besides the price, the only problem I have with the A7M266 is the fact that it doesn't allow for multiplier manipulation. For the price of the A7M, you can get the Epox 8K7A+ which has an onboard RAID controller.

The biggest DDR memory stick that Crucial is currently selling is 256MB. As of this time, I think 256MB is the biggest that you can find. The AMD761 chipset supports 2GB of memory, but until we have 1GB sticks you won't be able to reach the max.