Database/Web Guys


Golden Member
Aug 4, 2002
Exploring new horizons here and would like to know if any of you have done this in the past. Basically im partially in charge of a network with about 250 computers. About 170 of these are windows based and I want to create an internal web page that my clients can access to view the contents of these machines. Basically i need some sort of a database that will log what is installed on the computer (OS, Patches, software, ect.) Im trying to make this as automated as possible that way everyone wont stop updating the database down the road and this be a complete waste of time.
Im not familiar with linux too much and would prefer to stay windows based. I was thinking of a access database but any input/ideas would be appreciated


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2001
Having it automated isn't easy at all...

There are some linux/php/mysql/apache based projects that kinda deal with help-desk and inventory stuff, but during our testing at the college I work at we determined they are all below-par for what we want to do.

We currently use an Access dbase, but manually work with it. It's extremely hard to manage...

Our current work order system is built in Lotus Notes, and we'd like to combine the work order stuff with the inventory to better track what is being worked on, when, where, etc. I think what we are going to do is move the Access stuff into Notes, and still manually manage it, but at least it's together.

Going back to your automation idea, I'm not sure how you'd do it. You'd have to come up with a way for your client machines to automatically fill the database somehow on a scheduled basis. Otherwise how will your dbase know when someone installed AIM or some junk on the machine? If you can figure out how to get the clients to fill the dbase like that, then please let me know. ;)

You might try writing a vbscript script that somehow calls a web page and posts the info, or maybe some sort of Visual Basic app that does something similar. I dunno. I'ts not going to be easy...

good luck.


Golden Member
Aug 4, 2002
There are SMS apps that you can scan a network for software on the individual PC and update it every few weeks which is what my initial plan was going to be. I was hoping that there was an easier way to have that data processed automatically and updated.