HardcoreRobot Lifer Nov 7, 2000 16,403 3 81 Dec 13, 2001 #1 Anybody use this? Is it worth my while to enable it? Thanks for your input.
A AdamDuritz99 Diamond Member Mar 26, 2000 3,233 0 71 Dec 13, 2001 #2 i use it, but i don't know if it's any use. peace sean
M mithrandir2001 Diamond Member May 1, 2001 6,545 1 0 Dec 13, 2001 #3 I use it because I don't have to test the CD-R myself to make sure it burned correctly.
V Vincent Platinum Member Oct 9, 1999 2,030 2 81 Dec 13, 2001 #4 I use it, but the verification often fails. I then use another utility to compare the files and it says that they're identical.
I use it, but the verification often fails. I then use another utility to compare the files and it says that they're identical.
B BagFace Member Jul 20, 2001 27 0 0 Dec 13, 2001 #5 I use it, but the verification often fails. I then use another utility to compare the files and it says that they're identical. Maybe your burner needs to be cleaned cause I use it and has never failed. Just my 2 cents worth
I use it, but the verification often fails. I then use another utility to compare the files and it says that they're identical. Maybe your burner needs to be cleaned cause I use it and has never failed. Just my 2 cents worth