Data light on cable modem constantly Flashing.....


Senior member
Jun 6, 2000
Hello everone, here is my problem.

For the record, my Pc has been running beautifuly for a good 6 to 8 months :) Then all of a sudden, I notice about two weeks ago that my cable modems' Data light is blinking even when i am not transfering ANYthing over the net. Even when my PC is shut off, the damn data light is blinking like mad. This lasts for almost a week. Then last Sat. I am playing Q3 in the morning everythings fine, took a 2hour break to wash my car. And when i come back i can not access the internet though IE6, outlook, Norton update, AIM, IRC, any game, etc, etc, etc i tried everything. Now this is the part that confuses me. I had a ftp site in BulletProof (you know when you open BPftp the last ftp site is still there.) I and could connect to this site. I am thinking, "what gives?" I have had a simalr problem once before. 2 years ago my first cable modems' data light would blink all the time. I had the cable company come out to my house and check it out. They told me that my modem was dead. So i bought a new one, and the problem was solved.
So i am thinking that this new modem is doning the same damn thing. So, i get a New cablemodem from the factory hook it up, regester the mac/serail numbers...... and. I get the same damn problem. The only thing is that the data light Does not blink when the computer is off. But as soon as start up my pc at POST the damn thing is blinking. I reinstalled IE, networkcar drivers, check all the setting.... nothing. So i had an spare HD that i stuck in my pc, and did a fresh install of winXP. The internet works fine on the new install.
well maybe my prevoius install of win2k got gaffed up, or something.
I wondering if the blinking data light and my internet failling are related?

If any one has a clue on what the heck i am talking about, or can help me.
You can reach me on AIM screen name is intolerance46 for any questions..

O, things i have done.
Check connections, tried a different network card.



Senior member
Oct 24, 2000
Could be a virus/trojan in your win2K install. That's just a guess though. I would suggest running a recent antivirus program with the network cable disconnected. This might or might not find a trojan.

Might be a good idea to backup and start with a fresh win2k install.



Senior member
Jun 6, 2000
i was thinking at first that it might be a virus. But the data light would/still is flashing before the OS loads. you can take the HDs' out and it still blinks.


Senior member
Oct 24, 2000
Hmm. I thought you said a different install didn't cause the light to blink?

If it is a boot sector trojan, it could begin soon after post. This might require a wiping of the master boot record on the problem drive. Would be interesting to see whether a standard reformat and reinstall fixes the problem with that drive.


Senior member
Jun 6, 2000
sorry if i didnt come acroos clear. :(

on a fresh install the internet was working. but the light is still blinking.

maybe my problems are not related?
I going to call my isp soon, maybe they will know whats up.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
i wouldn't worry about the activity light blinking, especially if it happens when you machine is powered off. I've done a lot of traffic sniffing on this activity and in general it was somebody doing an ARP scan checking for addresses...the first step in a network scan.

call your provider and maybe they can help (doubtful). just make sure you have a properly configured firewall and run good up-to-date virus scanner on your box. there are a few viruses that FUBAR your IP stack, maybe that's what happened the first time.

or through a sniffer on your machine and see what all the traffic is, i'll put money that it is all broadcast traffic like arp and DHCP scans.


Senior member
Jun 6, 2000
I did and do run a software firewall program. Zonealarm.
i havent notice anything "fishy" going on.
With Zonealarm you i would Stop all incoming and outgoing traffic. and the light would still blink.



Mar 23, 2001
My receive light is flashing 24/24 since CodeRed have started to attack the planet. Since then, even when i shut down my PC, the LED is flashing and my ISP is so incompetent that he isnt even able to clean the defective router...
