damnnit..no self control....


Apr 10, 2001
Originally posted by: goku
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
jsut checked...the Q does indeed use miniSD

keeleysam sacred the crap out of me:p

Why don't you buy your music like a normal person?


*looks at his stack of cds and his itunes 'purchased' playlist?

say what?


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
jsut checked...the Q does indeed use miniSD

keeleysam sacred the crap out of me:p

Well after five thousand threads about your phone, I get to know it.


Apr 10, 2001
Originally posted by: keeleysam
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
jsut checked...the Q does indeed use miniSD

keeleysam sacred the crap out of me:p

Well after five thousand threads about your phone, I get to know it.

We need to go to a bar an celebrate my purchase..drinks are on me;)


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2004
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
Originally posted by: goku
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
jsut checked...the Q does indeed use miniSD

keeleysam sacred the crap out of me:p

Why don't you buy your music like a normal person?


.....and his itunes 'purchased' playlist?

say what?
Why don't you buy your music like a normal person?

Originally posted by: Goosemaster
now to sell my ipod:D

Pwned. So, what are you going to do with all of those 'purchased' songs? I feel no sympathy for people who knowingly purchase from distributers who use DRM technology.


May 3, 2000
Originally posted by: keeleysam
Originally posted by: pulse8
How do you like that Q?

Search for threads started by Goosemaster in OT.

It'll take a while to get through.

Which is why I won't do it. I'm just looking for a yay or nay kind of response.


Apr 10, 2001
Originally posted by: pulse8
How do you like that Q?

You kind of have to go through a learning process with windows mobile 5 and smartphones. In the end, I jsut wanted it to do much more than it could, so I had to reset it, but now, treading carefully, it is working perfectly. I'm pretty sure that one of my pop accounts, even with it sent to only downlaod headers, was what killed it:p

I have it checking multiple email accounts and use it for tons of miscellaeneous tasks each day and it is working like a champ.

Is it worth it for a personal phone? : sure. It's really cheap and makes for a great text messager. That said, it is quite bulky comapred to bar phones like the LG Chocolate etc. That said, it's bluetooth and multimedia capabilities are EXCELLENT. Smooth Fullscreen video, stereo audio and the ability to add apps that allow for shoutcast streams etc make it an awesome toy on the road that fits in your pocket. It also supports wma-drm files so services like yahoo to go work on it:D

Is it worth it as a light-busienss tool: defintiely. It is great at checking email, browsing the web, and other minor tasks

is it worth it as a heavy duty critical business tool: for that get a blackberry. These are great tools, but the blackberry is so much more streamlined in that fashion. Sure Q's will have pushmail by the end of the month, but the whole operating system is geared more towards relaxed use than having someone pund on it mercilessly all day.

For our use ( a small upstart Remodeling company with jsut shy of 10 employees by the end of the month) it is the perfect tool right now.


May 3, 2000
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
Originally posted by: pulse8
How do you like that Q?

You kind of have to go through a learning process with windows mobile 5 and smartphones. In the end, I jsut wanted it to do much more than it could, so I had to reset it, but now, treading carefully, it is working perfectly. I'm pretty sure that one of my pop accounts, even with it sent to only downlaod headers, was what killed it:p

I have it checking multiple email accounts and use it for tons of miscellaeneous tasks each day and it is working like a champ.

I'm considering buying a Treo 700p for Sprint, but I'm also thinking about waiting until the Q comes out for Sprint. I've just heard so many bad things about it.


Apr 10, 2001
Originally posted by: pulse8
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
Originally posted by: pulse8
How do you like that Q?

You kind of have to go through a learning process with windows mobile 5 and smartphones. In the end, I jsut wanted it to do much more than it could, so I had to reset it, but now, treading carefully, it is working perfectly. I'm pretty sure that one of my pop accounts, even with it sent to only downlaod headers, was what killed it:p

I have it checking multiple email accounts and use it for tons of miscellaeneous tasks each day and it is working like a champ.

I'm considering buying a Treo 700p for Sprint, but I'm also thinking about waiting until the Q comes out for Sprint. I've just heard so many bad things about it.

bad thigns about the treo or the Q?

I've heard many great thigns about the 700p.

our next device will probably be a blackberry 8700 series from sprint.


assumign that it is out by them. my dad swears by nextel so if sprint or nextel offer it he'll jump on it; I almsot got him to go with verizon but he has a special pricing plan with them or soemthign that is cheaper...


May 3, 2000
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
Originally posted by: pulse8
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
Originally posted by: pulse8
How do you like that Q?

You kind of have to go through a learning process with windows mobile 5 and smartphones. In the end, I jsut wanted it to do much more than it could, so I had to reset it, but now, treading carefully, it is working perfectly. I'm pretty sure that one of my pop accounts, even with it sent to only downlaod headers, was what killed it:p

I have it checking multiple email accounts and use it for tons of miscellaeneous tasks each day and it is working like a champ.

I'm considering buying a Treo 700p for Sprint, but I'm also thinking about waiting until the Q comes out for Sprint. I've just heard so many bad things about it.

bad thigns about the treo or the Q?

I've heard many great thigns about the 700p.

our next device will probably be a blackberry 8700 series from sprint.


assumign that it is out by them. my dad swears by nextel so if sprint or nextel offer it he'll jump on it; I almsot got him to go with verizon but he has a special pricing plan with them or soemthign that is cheaper...

Heard bad things about the Q. I've read nothing but good things about the Treo 700p.

Problem is the size difference.


Apr 10, 2001
Originally posted by: pulse8
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
Originally posted by: pulse8
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
Originally posted by: pulse8
How do you like that Q?

You kind of have to go through a learning process with windows mobile 5 and smartphones. In the end, I jsut wanted it to do much more than it could, so I had to reset it, but now, treading carefully, it is working perfectly. I'm pretty sure that one of my pop accounts, even with it sent to only downlaod headers, was what killed it:p

I have it checking multiple email accounts and use it for tons of miscellaeneous tasks each day and it is working like a champ.

I'm considering buying a Treo 700p for Sprint, but I'm also thinking about waiting until the Q comes out for Sprint. I've just heard so many bad things about it.

bad thigns about the treo or the Q?

I've heard many great thigns about the 700p.

our next device will probably be a blackberry 8700 series from sprint.


assumign that it is out by them. my dad swears by nextel so if sprint or nextel offer it he'll jump on it; I almsot got him to go with verizon but he has a special pricing plan with them or soemthign that is cheaper...

Heard bad things about the Q. I've read nothing but good things about the Treo 700p.

Problem is the size difference.

If time is moeny and such, get the 700p.

Frankly, we needed soemthing immediately to put off gettign a laptop + evdo, and that is why we got the Q. It was cheap, it did what we needed, and a little extra....



May 3, 2000
It's nothing mission critical. I just want access to email on the go. Do you know when the blackberry 8700's might be coming out for Sprint? Their current blackberry phone sucks ass.


Apr 10, 2001
Originally posted by: pulse8
It's nothing mission critical. I just want access to email on the go. Do you know when the blackberry 8700's might be coming out for Sprint? Their current blackberry phone sucks ass.

I know....:( I don't know when the new ones are coming out. Another thing was that this was also going to be my personal phone, and having it be a multimedia-less blackberry would have been boring as hell for the money I would have spent...