Damn Packers Are Looking Good Tonight


Diamond Member
Jul 29, 2004
Rogers is looking amazing this game holy cow. I'm looking forward to Vikings vs Packers this year!


Apr 1, 2001
Yeah, seriously...he was my FF QB last year and I think I might try to pick him up again this year.


Diamond Member
Jul 29, 2004
Start of the 4th and its 45 to 24 :O

Even if its only pre-season, that's pretty darn good

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Packers have a guy with the last name Zombo on their team.

He can do anything!


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2004
First Packer game I got to see this year and I'm very impressed by the LACK OF PENALTIES called during the game against them. Glad to see they gave Grant a couple more carries, but Rodgers is just insane right now. I got a bit nervous when the Colts took all of 22 seconds to score a TD, but that was just Manning being Manning. You're not going to see that a lot this season.

The O-line protecting Rodgers was also a concern. That concern is laid to rest now.

I was impressed by the team overall. Crosby seems to be doing good (albiet without the negative wind chills and swirling winds from the north).

One thing I can't stand is how Jaws and Gruden get all up in Rodgers jock. I had 16 years of that with Favre in Green Bay. I don't want to hear it again. God, I can't wait until I can mute the TV in favor of the local announcers! Larry McCarren and Wayne Larrivee, while no Jim Irwin or Max McGee, are much better than the talking heads at Fox, CBS and ESPN.


Golden Member
Mar 22, 2004
First Packer game I got to see this year and I'm very impressed by the LACK OF PENALTIES called during the game against them. Glad to see they gave Grant a couple more carries, but Rodgers is just insane right now. I got a bit nervous when the Colts took all of 22 seconds to score a TD, but that was just Manning being Manning. You're not going to see that a lot this season.

The O-line protecting Rodgers was also a concern. That concern is laid to rest now.

I was impressed by the team overall. Crosby seems to be doing good (albiet without the negative wind chills and swirling winds from the north).

One thing I can't stand is how Jaws and Gruden get all up in Rodgers jock. I had 16 years of that with Favre in Green Bay. I don't want to hear it again. God, I can't wait until I can mute the TV in favor of the local announcers! Larry McCarren and Wayne Larrivee, while no Jim Irwin or Max McGee, are much better than the talking heads at Fox, CBS and ESPN.

i agree. i got so sick of the brett favre love every single game and i am die hard packers fan. i do think a-rod is a great QB but i don't want it to turn into that kind of hype machine again. I do love Larry McCarren and Wayne Larrivee. I listened to the first half of the game yesterday on the radio while driving home and i love the excitement they bring to even routine plays.


Mar 1, 2000
The love for ROdgers was disgusting. Though they do that for every half decent QB now adays. They were drooling all over Peyton too.

The one thing that they pointed out, which I haven't heard before but I have of course noticed and mentioned it myself, is the INSANITY that the Packers have landed (what seem to be) two back to back HoF QBs... the only comparision is Montana/Young. If Rodgers continues down this path, it will be crazy. I love being a Packers fan for this sole reason. I couldnt imagine having a dozen, let alone 21 (I;m looking at your Bears) different starting QBs in the past 20 years. The Packers have had TWO.

59 points? get the F out!


Golden Member
Mar 22, 2004
The love for ROdgers was disgusting. Though they do that for every half decent QB now adays. They were drooling all over Peyton too.

The one thing that they pointed out, which I haven't heard before but I have of course noticed and mentioned it myself, is the INSANITY that the Packers have landed (what seem to be) two back to back HoF QBs... the only comparision is Montana/Young. If Rodgers continues down this path, it will be crazy. I love being a Packers fan for this sole reason. I couldnt imagine having a dozen, let alone 21 (I;m looking at your Bears) different starting QBs in the past 20 years. The Packers have had TWO.

59 points? get the F out!

i will admit i get a warm fuzzy feeling thinking about how lucky we are to have rodgers. years ago i had a feeling of dread whenever i thought about Favre retiring because i thought there was no way we would ever get a replacement who was as good as rodgers looks to be. then a few years ago when Favre got hurt playing Dallas and Rodgers came in a put them back into the game i realized we were not as screwed as i thought we were.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
title should be "Damn Packers Offense Ar Looking Good Tonight"

their defense was getting raped as usual.


Jan 12, 2005
It looked like Manning was struggling with the new rules regarding when the ball can be snapped. He looked a bit frustrated.