There's numerous bugs with 1.4, such as it being even more of a resource hog, the server crashing on de_chateau, higher pings, etc.
You can download the new beta server here:
login: server_beta
pass: kalafornia
- Linux: Fixed server using 64 MB more memory than it needed to.
- Linux: Added -pingboost command line parameter. Currently supports two
different methods ('-pingboost 1' or '-pingboost 2'). Only one method can
be active. Method 2 is the same method used in the old 3108 hlds_run_test
beta build. Method 1 is a new method. These may not work
well (or at all) on some OS environments.
hlds_run script
- Linux: Added "-debug" flag to automagically run gdb and pull out useful
- Linux: Quits script on "quit" from console, restarts on crash (via
"-restart" flag).
- Fixed incorrect WonIDs/SteamIDs in logs.
- Fixed 'undefined symbol: __strtouq_internal' on some Linux systems.
- Fixed sv_allowdownload being required to be set to 1 for clients to
connect to secure servers.
- Fixed segmentation fault on some Linux systems when attempting to run in
secure mode.
- Fixed 'bad address type' fatal error on servers that attempt to run in
secure mode but have no DNS resolution.
- Fixed DropClient messages for Steam clients who were banned or have a
duplicate Steam ID to properly show the SteamID of the client.
- Added logging of the anti-cheat system catching and kicking detected
- Added logging of "kick" commands.
- Added logging of "banid" commands.
- Fixed HLTV reporting wrong spectator numbers if connection to server was
- Fixed "multicast 1" not working if it was issued before HLTV connected to
game server.
- Added "serverversion", can be set to '1108' to view/re-record old demos.
- Added new debug message for mod makers if a packet couldn't be parsed
- Fixed relay proxies reporting wrong spectator/slots numbers in
multiplayer/LAN menu.
- Changed error message if clients try to download missing resources to be
more helpful.
- Restored "mp_fadetoblack" server variable.
- Fixed DMC powerup bug where the invisibility ring would make people glow