I go home for lunch yesterday expecting that maybe thier website was wrong and that they had put the smallest of the three boxes with the other two. but of course they didnt, they needed to forget and/or lose the most important piece of the system! my CPU! i get in everything, case, cdrom, floppy, mobo, vidcard, and whatever else, and they forget the damn CPU along with the invoice!! grrrr. i mean, really, how hard is it to do your freaking job? last time i had Fedex ship something, it was live coral, and i watched the guy from my bedroom window not even get out of his truck to knock on my door to drop it off. needless to say it was critical for me to get this coral into my aquarium and if i didnt reciceve it that day it wouldve been dead but i called Fedex and had them make the guy stray from his route to deliver it!
heh...i just got a call now here at work. fedex lost my cpu, officially. im getting sent a claims form to claim it. bastards, and i thought id be up and running by this weekend!
oh well.
se la vie
heh...i just got a call now here at work. fedex lost my cpu, officially. im getting sent a claims form to claim it. bastards, and i thought id be up and running by this weekend!
oh well.
se la vie