D3300 or SL1?


Feb 6, 2000
Its down to these two. This will be my first DSLR I am just wanting to upgrade from a simple point and shoot. I'm just looking for something to take pics of the family and events. Not going to get in deep with wanting higher end or big expensive lenses. I will be buying refurbished to save and if I do buy any lenses they will be refurbished. I been reading the overall best one is the D3300 mostly because of image quality. I like that the Nikon is suppose to have a built in guide to help with what each setting does. Even though it doesn't effect pictures I like that the SL1 has a touch screen. I can save $50-100 by going with the SL1 though. I haven't looked at lenses. Is one easier to come by then the other or cheaper?
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Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2001
Be sure to look at Cameta Camera for refurb.

1. Both cameras will do what you want
2. Don't put a lot of faith in the built in guide
3. If you don't spend time learning either camera, you will get blurry photos sometimes and wonderful photos other times and blame the camera.

Whichever camera you get,
1. Learn how to read what the shutter speed is. Slow shutter speeds usually equivocates to blurry photos
2. Learn how to enable "auto iso" to help boost the shutter speed
3. I like Nikon


Feb 6, 2000
Thanks for the reply yeah if I go Nikon I was eyeing Cameta because their 1 year warranty and I can purchase 3 years for $40. As for the SL1 seems buying refurbished direct from Canon seems to be the cheapest route. They usually have it for $299. I wish a retailer local had each on display so I could get a feel for each but we don't have anything aside from Wal-Mart and Office Depot. Can anyone comment on the lenses? If one is easier/cheaper to come by I may go that route.
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Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2001
If you know what lenses you'll need, it might be easier to address this; i.e., are you considering something with more "zoom" or are you considering a more general zoom? Events might mean "more zoom" - both systems are going to have their 55-210 or 55-300 lenses in the $250-$350 range refurb. Craigslist can be a great way to get lenses cheaply.

One of the things the Canon has going for it is their newer 50mm f/1.8 is ~ $100 which is a great deal.

The Nikon equivalent is about $200.

The great thing about Canon and Nikon is they both have, by far, the largest selection of lenses available.


Senior member
Aug 19, 2014
If you don't want to invest in lenses, you're better off sticking to a P&S. A 50mm 1.8 prime is going to get you much better image quality but you won't be able zoom and your focus area will become shallow which is something you'll have to practice.

Also, just pick up used lenses since refurbished lenses are hard to come by.


Feb 6, 2000
If I go looking on craigslist and used I may just go Canon. Seems like Canon is more used in my area. But non of its cheap. They ask top dollar. As for investing in lenses I will probably just upgrade to something better than the kit lens on down the road when I learn a little about the camera. If the Nikon's lenses tend to run much higher for about the same as what I can get for a Canon that may just be my deciding factor.
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Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2001
Lenses (glass) is not cheap. Don't expect to spend $200 for a zoom lens and improve on the kit lens that comes with whatever camera you buy.

You might double-dog verify there are no camera stores near you ( or a short drive ) - cameras are one of those things where holding them side-by-side can often make the decision instantaneous.


Feb 6, 2000
Closest place that I know sells a good variety of DSLR's is over a hour away. Don't really want to drive it just to hold a camera. If I was looking for a mid/high end one I could see it. Most of my pic taking is going to be up close of kids and family little to no zooming should take place. My local Wal-Mart has the D3300 on display the problem is they remodeled and now it can only been seen behind some plexi glass unable to be picked up which is lame. Maybe I'll hold out till I make another trip out of town then check them out.


Senior member
May 22, 2008
I have the D3200 and have been very happy with it; quite a selection of lenses for it available on Craigslist in this area. Walmart should be able to let you handle and examine the camera even though it's displayed behind glass.


Feb 8, 2000
I went with the SL1 over the D3300 -- but I changed my mind and went full-frame and returned the SL1 unopened. The reason was mainly due to my preference/history with Canon, never had a Nikon product before but many satisfactory Canon printers and compact cameras. Performance-wise, they also seemed comparable after extensive research and the Canon lens selection (i.e. naming convention) made more sense to me -- the Nikon thing with motor, without motor was somewhat more confusing.


Golden Member
Dec 30, 2000
If you want better pictures - spend some time learning about photography. A couple hours at this site will teach you a lot of the basics.

I think this will help more than an upgrade from a compact camera to a DSLR. In fact, because a DSLR is more difficult to use, if you don't know what you are doing, some of you photographs may be WORSE than with a compact camera or even your phone.

And after you've spent some time with it - get a high aperture lens like a 50mm 1.8 for portraits, or a 35mm 1.8 or a 24 2.8 for indoor use. Without that, it is hard to get the blurry background and "professional" look.

You can't go wrong with either brand. Canon has some nice cheap lens choices like the 24mm pancake 2.8 which isn't available on the Nikon, and the 50mm 1.8 which is cheaper.


Feb 6, 2000
Ill check out the website and thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to decide after Cyber Monday because I know if I order now I'll likely regret it come Cyber Monday.


Dec 26, 2004
I'm kind of in the same boat as OP. I am looking into a camera for the lady for Christmas. I have never gotten into photography, but she's been toying around with it for a year or two now and wants a nicer camera -- she has previously mentioned the Rebel T5. Browsing through Slickdeals today, the refurbished T5 and SL1 are both on sale for a great deal here:


Could someone give me a quick overview on these two? It seems the SL1 has better overall reviews, but I wanted to get your guys input on this. As for use, this would be an overall 'general' camera.... family events, holidays, vacation, concerts, etc. Any input is appreciated!

And to OP - if you're going to wait for Cyber Monday, I don't think you'll find a better deal than this one on the SL1.... I might bite at it too. :D


Senior member
Jun 30, 2007
For $50 more I would definitely take the SL1 over the T5. Smaller, lighter, better LCD screen (and touch screen at that), the kit lens that comes with it is quieter for video recording/auto focusing. I would not buy the two lens kit with the second 75-300mm lens, just get the 18-55mm kit and if you want a telephoto zoom add the 55-250mm IS STM refurb for another $110. Lack of stablization is kind of devastating on longer lengths in my experience, though YMMV.

The D3300 will have somewhat better image quality but if you're like most people getting a DSLR to get better quality over a smartphone or point and shoot but don't plan on spending thousands of dollars upgrading to full frame over time, I think Canon has much better deals in the long run for cheaper refurbished lenses during sales and IMO a bit better APS-C dedicated lens support, even though both Canon and Nikon tend to treat APS-C as red headed stepchildren overall.
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Golden Member
Dec 30, 2000
I agree with Trombe's recommendations. For now just get the 18-55 STM kit lens with the SL1. Note that it is pretty small for a DSLR, which is an advantage for some and a disadvantage for others.

In the future if you want a telephoto, definitely get the 55-250 STM. It may be the best bargain lens out there, simply stellar. All of the STM lenses are stellar - but to get that one for $110 is insane. To get clearly better image quality, I believe you'd have to upgrade to a full frame camera (for say a $1000 and get a $1200+ 100-400 lens).