D-Link 614+, DWL-650+ questions

Night Blade

Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm looking to migrate to a wireless setup for a new laptop coming in next week, i'm currently running a D-Link 5-port Hub with a Win2K server running ICS.

1. How hard is it to setup the router, running cable right now & will be switching the DSL within a month.

2. I use a 2.4GHz phone, will this interfere with the 650+?

3. Can I add more wireless connections in the future? How many can the 614+ take?



Golden Member
Jun 13, 2001
If D-Link is like Netgear, it will have a web page somewhere telling you how to configure your router for your ISP (if not, then steal Netgear's directions.) It took me the better part of 5 minutes to configure my router for my isp. One warning though: there was a thread a while back about how AOL DSL had some weird system that made the use of routers impossible, so there is at least one ISP that could make your life difficult.

A 2.4 ghz phone can interfere, but you can try changing the channels on your wireless.

What exactly do you mean by "Add more wireless connections in the future?" Do you mean additional WAPS so you can have roaming access? Each PC can have its own client card, of course. Again, I don't know about D-Link, but with my netgear the router can assign something like 30 IPs via dhcp, if that is what you mean.