Cyclic Ketogenic Diets ?


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
Since today seems to be another day of Atkins threads and other nutritional topics, thought I'd ask for some info on CKD's.
Anyone done these?
How effective are they?

I tried Atkins recently and quit (thread should still be around)
Basically, I did some things wrong.
So I'm thinking about trying Atkins again and doing it right this time.

But some of you have mentioned the CKD in some of the Atkins threads.
I've done a little reading on it and it sounds pretty good.
I guess because the thought of never again having a good pasta dish or pizza or a baked potato, or a piece of chocolate cake is pretty depressing.
So the idea of being able to indulge in these foods on a regular basis, even if it is only once every 2 weeks, sounds pretty appealing. At least then you could plan a nice carb-heavy dinner out a couple of times a month.

Anyone done a CKD?
If so, what were your results like?


Senior member
Sep 20, 2002
Best diet you can do is a CKD
Do no carbs for 3 days
Carb up every third day
Make sure to eat lots of fruits and vegetables on the carb up days
ALso you must be doing a combination of aerobic exercise and weight lifting
Do them on separate days as to not overwhelm your recovery mechanisms


Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Any diet that involves self control is going to be better than the SAD(Standard American Diet). Especially if it involves lots of fresh, raw and cooked plant matter(fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds).

The most important part of any diet is raising your metabolism.

Starting out your day with exericise is a good way to set your metabolism up well for the day, IMO.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2000
CKD is not a panacea. It sounds like an ideal solution but it's important to note that it is a diet for bodybuilders. It is designed to allow reduction in body fat whilst sparing lean muscle mass as much as possible and giving an athlete the glycogen he needs to sustain his workouts. The ability to eat carbs in this plan was not added for fun or to allow a "cheat" weekend. Its sole purpose is to refill glycogen stores in the muscles(which are quickly depleted when low-carbing).

For it to have a chance of working, you must lift weights on a very regular and frequent basis. It's not something that will work with a normal person's activity level. And it's complicated! You'll need Ketostix to measure Ketone levels in your urine, and during the low-carb phase you have to ingest a lot of fat (75% of your caloric intake!) and keep carbs to extremely low levels (under 30 grams per day for most people).

If you're still interested, I highly recommend buying Lyle McDonald's book (yikes! seems to be out of print) and/or reading the papers he has written on the web.

A low-carb diet is not for everyone, and there are other ways to lose fat. So if you're one of the people that just doesn't feel "right" while minimizing carbs, then that probably isn't the right diet for you. CKD can work, but it requires a lot more discipline in general than Atkins or the normal low-carb plans.

Good luck



No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: Pilsnerpete
sounds lame. get an active job. you're there 8 hrs a day right? best exercise ever.
Active jobs are not excercise.

shantiI think you need to stop looking for something to patch your own lack of desire and try instead to find your desire to lose weight. As with everyone else in the world you must be aware that excercise and proper restriction of calories - following Atkins or not - is going to lose weight. It works. It's proven. So, why aren't you trying it? Perhaps you need to try Atkins again and will have better luck next time, but don't look at it as the magic bullet. Long term weight loss will ONLY be acheived if you truly have the desire and will power, regardless of how effective your short term diet means is.



Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Originally posted by: Pilsnerpete
sounds lame. get an active job. you're there 8 hrs a day right? best exercise ever.
Active jobs are not excercise.

shantiI think you need to stop looking for something to patch your own lack of desire and try instead to find your desire to lose weight. As with everyone else in the world you must be aware that excercise and proper restriction of calories - following Atkins or not - is going to lose weight. It works. It's proven. So, why aren't you trying it? Perhaps you need to try Atkins again and will have better luck next time, but don't look at it as the magic bullet. Long term weight loss will ONLY be acheived if you truly have the desire and will power, regardless of how effective your short term diet means is.

I'm not looking for an "easy way out".
Well, actually I am, but I realize there isn't one.
I am exploring the options for diets that may make it "easier" to lose weight.
The reason I have been interested in the low-carb diets recently is that I have seen many people around me lose weight on them without feeling hungry all the time.

When I have tried simply restricting calories in the past, or eating low-fat, I have always felt hungry.
And willpower or not, I do not want to go around constantly fighting feelings of hunger.
I have also seen very little weight loss even when restricting calories and exercising regularly.