cut the spending -- what do YOU cut?


Jun 21, 2008
Long time lurker here, first post on this thread. I've read passionate discussions on this forum about politics, and I am curious to hear your thoughts on a question.

Clearly, many (all?) of you are concerned about the deficits. The solution to the dilemma differs largely based on one's political leaning. I see many blame the Ds and Obama on runaway spending and advocate cutting spending, and believe taxes should not be raised to cover the deficit

So, my question: if you had dictatorial authority (no veto from the president, no filibuster in the senate etc), what would YOU cut? one rule/request: don't give in to generalities (e.g., cut the earmarks!) but be specific: what area of the budget and how much?

To help you, here are some facts from the CBO and the Heritage foundation:

1) Federal budget trends:

Year Discretionary Spend Entitlement Spend Net Interest Spend Total Revenue
1990 820B 930B 300B 1700B
2000 790 1220 285 2590
2004 1040 1440 190 2190
2008 1155 1620 260 2570
2009 1260 2130 190 2140
2010 1375 2034 210 2120

2) Top 7 budget categories in 2010:

Social Security: $722B
Defense: $720B
Medicare: $457B
Income Security Programs: $363B
Medicaid and SCHIP: $285B
Unemployment Benefits: $194B
Net Interest: $188B

So, what do you cut?


Dec 29, 2002
Some of everything. Whatever it takes to get it balanced. If we cannot live within our means then that means no more 99 weeks of unemployment, SS benefits age needs to be raised, several defense projects need to be cut, yadda yadda yadda etc.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2006
1) We don't need military bases in over 100 countries. Close them all down.
2) Remove entitlement spending (medicare, welfare, etc).
3) Curb inflation by gradually lowering minimum wage.
4) Kill off six out of every ten Federal agencies and fire the workers.
5) Reduce the pay of public servants and make being a politician a "labor of love" rather than a career.
6) Deport the fuck out of illegals.
7) Remove Social Security (those getting it can continue getting it, but no new recipients).
8) Create a new "disability" program to help those who are genuinely unable to work, not just those who don't want to, but fund it mostly with tax-deductible donations.
9) End imperialism and all "foreign aid" programs.

Restore the style of government the founders of the country envisioned us to have. The Federal government should not have its toes in everything.

(Note: I realize this is a flamebait thread and that expecting serious discourse is futile.)


Oct 12, 1999
Long time lurker here, first post on this thread. I've read passionate discussions on this forum about politics, and I am curious to hear your thoughts on a question.

Clearly, many (all?) of you are concerned about the deficits. The solution to the dilemma differs largely based on one's political leaning. I see many blame the Ds and Obama on runaway spending and advocate cutting spending, and believe taxes should not be raised to cover the deficit

So, my question: if you had dictatorial authority (no veto from the president, no filibuster in the senate etc), what would YOU cut? one rule/request: don't give in to generalities (e.g., cut the earmarks!) but be specific: what area of the budget and how much?

To help you, here are some facts from the CBO and the Heritage foundation:

1) Federal budget trends:

Year Discretionary Spend Entitlement Spend Net Interest Spend Total Revenue
1990 820B 930B 300B 1700B
2000 790 1220 285 2590
2004 1040 1440 190 2190
2008 1155 1620 260 2570
2009 1260 2130 190 2140
2010 1375 2034 210 2120

2) Top 7 budget categories in 2010:

Social Security: $722B
Defense: $720B
Medicare: $457B
Income Security Programs: $363B
Medicaid and SCHIP: $285B
Unemployment Benefits: $194B
Net Interest: $188B

So, what do you cut?

I worked to cut the defense budget in half. I tackle SS in these two ways. Raise retirement for full benefits to age 70 and develop a plan to shift SS to a system that only pays out what it takes in. And SS has only become a problem because administrations took money out of it and the baby boomers. Bush and the republicans just decimated SS. When Bush took office there was enough surplus to sure up SS at its present benefits for the next 40-50 years. By the time he got done we're now down to 20 years to have to do something. Try to do what I can in other areas, but the other areas I think are pretty much what they are. You are always going to have seniors, the poor, and unemployed.


Oct 10, 1999
I would shut down 90% of the foreign military bases, and build more bases locally. Detroit's got cheap property and the economy is in the dumper, maybe an army and air force base could put some land to use, and give a small boost to the local economy. That would probably trim a good 3-5% of the military budget easily.

I would legalize most drugs, prostitution, and other "victimless" crimes. All states would therefore be able to free a large percentage of the people currently in prison. The states would not need as much federal money, so I could therefore reduce federal commitments to the states.
I would increase the retirement age for Social Security to 70, and I would increase payouts to make up for 50% of the money saved.


Jun 21, 2008
Thanks for the ideas already.

Two reminders:
1) First, the 2010 deficit is $1,500B. Will you be able to cut $1,500B to balance the budget without any new taxes?

2) In your areas you are cutting, how deep are you going? e.g., cut defense spend in half, you save $360B, you still need to find another $1,140B to cut


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I would tell every agency that they will cut their costs by 10%. That includes every spending category - defense, transfer payments, everything. All farm subsidies are reduced 5% per year until phased out completely. No appropriations attached to other legislation - every spending bill stands on its own for a up or down vote.

Agencies which cut costs more than 10% get to keep half the excess for employee bonuses.

I have no doubt this could be done easily if they had to do it. The agencies which don't get it done will be closed down. That could mean important agencies get eliminated, but they can always be recreated if necessary.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
How much could be saved by eliminating all forms of "corporate welfare" and giving huge farm subsidies to corporate farms?


Platinum Member
Mar 17, 2010
SS age definitely needs to be raised. Unpopular, so nobody will do it though.

Scale back medicare/medicaid and reallocate those resources into prosecuting fraud (of which there is a massive amount).

Make public assistance available only with aggressive restrictions and limitations. IE, food stamps cannot be used for anything other than food. Random audits of all those receiving housing assistance, welfare, food stamps, medicaid, etc. Force individuals on assistance programs to enter budget management programs, payment plans (for those with debt), job training, etc. Bottom line, take away any incentives for going on public assistance and make it a priority to get people off of it. Shame is a very effective motivator.

Fix social security and medicare, and that would go a long way to solving the shortfalls.

Problem is, it doesn't matter what is cut, because as soon as that happens these days, that money is seen as "extra" and thus can be used for some other bullshit squirrel bridge project.


Golden Member
Feb 27, 2008
Cut defense by 80% - close all overseas military bases, cut private contractors like Xe and Haliburton and roll their functions back into the military. Audit everything.

Eliminate foreign aid.

Close all foreign development offices that prep foreign countries to take American jobs.

Cut unemployment spending by forcing companies to hire Americans or face tariffs.

Another area to cut is the Health Insurance spending by the Fed Gov. They spend billions on for-profit private insurance. It would be cheaper to expand Medicare to cover all of these employees and drop the private, for-profit gouging policies.

Eliminate farm subsidies for all but the smallest family farms.


Platinum Member
Mar 17, 2010
cut the spending -- what do YOU cut?

In Michigan the Democrat Governor cut the State Fair.

It relied on taxpayer money, other state fairs do not rely on taxpayer funds. Good for her. I'm sure Republicans will lambast her for killing a 160 year old tradition.


It's too bad they couldn't become a profitable, self-sustaining business, like those in other states.

But Lil' Dave is cheering while American business continue to suffer.

You're doing a heckuva job, Davie! :D


Jun 21, 2008
Excluding the Net Interest payment (you have to pay it, you can't default), the federal spending is $3,400B in 2010.

If you cut 45% across the board of everything else remaining, then you find $1,500B to balance the budget via spending cuts

If you exclude entitlements too, because they are promises made to current retirees and MD/MA recepients, you are left with $1,375B in discretionary spending. If you cut the ENTIRE discretionary spending, including the full defense spend, you can not close the deficit

So, do you:

1) break promises to China/Japan/other countries/banks and default on interest payment?
2) break promises to American citizens on their SS and MD and MA?
3) begin to consider tax increases? letting the tax cuts on the top 2% expire will bring back another $700B revenue

Cutting 10% across the board, or a little bit of this or that does not work! Politicians who are advocating it are simply playing politics, are not rational, and are not facing up to the depth and seriousness of the problem. Entitlements cannot be fixed fast enough to change the picture.

So, seriously, what do WE do? this is some awful future we are looking at, we need serious people providing real ideas to solve this crisis, and not more of political point-scoring

by the way, 2007 tax revenue was $600B higher than the 2010 revenue, so assuming there is an economic growth, the cuts required are "only" $900B (of course, this is not fast enough either)

child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
Defense spending needs to be cut by 25%. Specifically, by focusing solely on national defense and a lot less on nation building.

Farm subsidies should be phased out and 50% of the savings offered for alternative energy breakthroughs. Offer $100M to the first company to break the 60% solar panel efficiency rating and mass produce the cells. Offer up money to electric companies to provide more renewable power.

The end result of this would be to enable us to lower defense spending even further as we are no longer pumping trillions of dollars into the Middle East -- an area where we're not very popular.

Bailout programs are to be ended. If a company fails, it fails. Or, at the very least, in order to accept government assistance the company must cut extravagant spending the same as we would expect an individual to do.


Nov 9, 2004
Excluding the Net Interest payment (you have to pay it, you can't default), the federal spending is $3,400B in 2010.

If you cut 45% across the board of everything else remaining, then you find $1,500B to balance the budget via spending cuts

If you exclude entitlements too, because they are promises made to current retirees and MD/MA recepients, you are left with $1,375B in discretionary spending. If you cut the ENTIRE discretionary spending, including the full defense spend, you can not close the deficit

So, do you:

1) break promises to China/Japan/other countries/banks and default on interest payment?
2) break promises to American citizens on their SS and MD and MA?
3) begin to consider tax increases? letting the tax cuts on the top 2% expire will bring back another $700B revenue

Cutting 10% across the board, or a little bit of this or that does not work! Politicians who are advocating it are simply playing politics, are not rational, and are not facing up to the depth and seriousness of the problem. Entitlements cannot be fixed fast enough to change the picture.

So, seriously, what do WE do? this is some awful future we are looking at, we need serious people providing real ideas to solve this crisis, and not more of political point-scoring

by the way, 2007 tax revenue was $600B higher than the 2010 revenue, so assuming there is an economic growth, the cuts required are "only" $900B (of course, this is not fast enough either)

Now your getting down to reality! It will take a combo of all of these
1. Increase tax revenue by letting bush tax cuts expire + increasing marginal rates on highest earners and probably increase corporate tax rate.
2. Economic growth
3. Cut discretionary spending to the bone (at least 70% in military spending) and eliminate most all foriegn aid
4. Eliminate farm subsidies and corporate tax breaks
As well as many of the other good suggestions in this thread


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
1. Means test SS. No way should you be a millionaire and draw it.
2. Eliminate SSDI for all mental and lower back issues SSDI should be for real disabled not fakers. If you're crazy institutionalize.
3. Cut govt employees salary 50% to match private sector numbers.
4. No earmarks.
5. Workfare not welfare. That would kick a lot off if they actually had to show up 6-8 hours a day for benefit...might as well get a reaL JOB.
6. Cut all farm subsides but for family farms (sole proprietors) instead system reward large multinationals and crushes little guy.
7. No foreign bases or foreign aid.
8. Unemployment benefits should be eliminated. See workfare.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
And in conjunction with the cuts, I'd make moves to help boost jobs. Radical moves.

1. Eliminate the bureaucracy that impedes entrepreneurship. If someone wants to start their own business, make it possible for them to do it without needing thousands of dollars for lawyers, accountants, registration fees, permits, etc.
2. Eliminate the minimum wage so there can be more jobs. The more jobs available, the more opportunity for people to advance. Better to have 7 people making $5 an hour than 5 people making $7 an hour. Give more people a chance to get their foot in the door so they can advance to better jobs.
3. Green cards for anyone moving to the US if they start a business and employ one other person.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Defense spending needs to be cut by 25%. Specifically, by focusing solely on national defense and a lot less on nation building.

Farm subsidies should be phased out and 50% of the savings offered for alternative energy breakthroughs. Offer $100M to the first company to break the 60% solar panel efficiency rating and mass produce the cells. Offer up money to electric companies to provide more renewable power.

The end result of this would be to enable us to lower defense spending even further as we are no longer pumping trillions of dollars into the Middle East -- an area where we're not very popular.

Bailout programs are to be ended. If a company fails, it fails. Or, at the very least, in order to accept government assistance the company must cut extravagant spending the same as we would expect an individual to do.

ALL Good. I forgot about putting tax payers on the hook for 3-12 trillion so bankers could get record bonuses rather than be shut down and go to prison. If there was ever a more salient example how bought our pols are by rich and powerful I have never seen it.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
1) We don't need military bases in over 100 countries. Close them all down.
2) Remove entitlement spending (medicare, welfare, etc).
3) Curb inflation by gradually lowering minimum wage.
4) Kill off six out of every ten Federal agencies and fire the workers.
5) Reduce the pay of public servants and make being a politician a "labor of love" rather than a career.
6) Deport the fuck out of illegals.
7) Remove Social Security (those getting it can continue getting it, but no new recipients).
8) Create a new "disability" program to help those who are genuinely unable to work, not just those who don't want to, but fund it mostly with tax-deductible donations.
9) End imperialism and all "foreign aid" programs.

Restore the style of government the founders of the country envisioned us to have. The Federal government should not have its toes in everything.

(Note: I realize this is a flamebait thread and that expecting serious discourse is futile.)

I would change the bolded part to
"Curb inflation by restructuring the economy and financial system to focus on capital formation instead of credit"
But that would never happen, and millions of banksters everywhere will be out of a job.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
1. Means test SS. No way should you be a millionaire and draw it.

So, if you both paid into SS and paid into a 401K, you should not get SS, but if someone was irresponsible with their money and didn't fund a 401k, they should get SS? Screw that! I drive a paid-for 13 year old beater so I can have money to put into my 401k at work, and yet you want to punish me for my fiscal responsibility?


Jan 12, 2002
Cut conventional military size. Our nuclear force is deterring China and Russia, not our grunts and their diabetic wives on military housing (and no I'm not saying all grunts have diabetic wives.)

Cut spending that is not investing in the future. Medicare keeping an 80 year old alive another year is money down the drain. Keep funding science and engineering education as that will produce long-term growth.

End all agricultural subsidies.

MotF Bane

No Lifer
Dec 22, 2006
1) We don't need military bases in over 100 countries. Close them all down.
2) Remove entitlement spending (medicare, welfare, etc).
3) Curb inflation by gradually lowering minimum wage.
4) Kill off six out of every ten Federal agencies and fire the workers.
5) Reduce the pay of public servants and make being a politician a "labor of love" rather than a career.
6) Deport the fuck out of illegals.
7) Remove Social Security (those getting it can continue getting it, but no new recipients).
8) Create a new "disability" program to help those who are genuinely unable to work, not just those who don't want to, but fund it mostly with tax-deductible donations.
9) End imperialism and all "foreign aid" programs.

Restore the style of government the founders of the country envisioned us to have. The Federal government should not have its toes in everything.

(Note: I realize this is a flamebait thread and that expecting serious discourse is futile.)

Yeah, looks like a decent start.


Golden Member
Feb 17, 2005
Excluding the Net Interest payment (you have to pay it, you can't default), the federal spending is $3,400B in 2010.

If you cut 45% across the board of everything else remaining, then you find $1,500B to balance the budget via spending cuts

If you exclude entitlements too, because they are promises made to current retirees and MD/MA recepients, you are left with $1,375B in discretionary spending. If you cut the ENTIRE discretionary spending, including the full defense spend, you can not close the deficit

So, do you:

1) break promises to China/Japan/other countries/banks and default on interest payment?
2) break promises to American citizens on their SS and MD and MA?
3) begin to consider tax increases? letting the tax cuts on the top 2% expire will bring back another $700B revenue

Cutting 10% across the board, or a little bit of this or that does not work! Politicians who are advocating it are simply playing politics, are not rational, and are not facing up to the depth and seriousness of the problem. Entitlements cannot be fixed fast enough to change the picture.

So, seriously, what do WE do? this is some awful future we are looking at, we need serious people providing real ideas to solve this crisis, and not more of political point-scoring

by the way, 2007 tax revenue was $600B higher than the 2010 revenue, so assuming there is an economic growth, the cuts required are "only" $900B (of course, this is not fast enough either)

A very large part of the current problem is the drop in tax receipts, ( not just spending. Under the assumption that a few bad years will return to normal in time, it is a lot easier.

Where do you get the idea that letting tax cutx for the top 2% expire will bring in $700B? Income tax receipts for 2000 was $1000B (the highest amount ever collected when corrected for inflation). I am not saying it won't help, but you are not going to get anything close to $700B out of it.

Start with the wars, these were huge mistakes, at some point it is just time to say it was wrong, and leave, accepting that we have left them as huge messes. Second, we need to cut our military, we have more CBG than the rest of the world combined, and our military spending is a ridiculous amount compared to other countries. Health and Medicare are a huge stone around our neck. Despite all the campaign rhetoric, I don't think we ever came any closer to knowing where all that money we spend on healthcare is going.