CS mouse issue


Senior member
Jan 6, 2003
k, anybody know how to turn my mouse sensivity down? its at 1 right now. i went to a friend's lan and decided to mess with'em and loaded up a CS cheat. it messed with my mouse settings some how, but i'm not sure. i recently changed HDD's, so i just copied and pasted, leaving the cheats on the other HDD, or so i thought. now, my sensivity is 1 but acts like a setting on 5. i'd do a fresh install, but i lost my orginal CD. :-/ any ideas? cheat cleariers? win98se, fully updated HL and CS, mx700 with 9.1 drivers (yes, i wanna keep the drivers, i love the browser forward and back buttons on the right side too much).



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Har Har!

Counter-Strike cheater, huh? Sometimes there is justice after all !!

With that said, I not sure about this, but goto your Halflife/Counter-Strike directory. Dbl clk the file config.cfg (or open w/notepad).

Scroll down to 'sensitivity'. Mine is set to "2.900000". This MAY be a mouse setting. You can fool around with this to see if it makes a difference. For example make it "2.000000" or "1.000000"

If you don't have this in your config.cfg, put it there as follows:

sensitivity "2.900000"

I'm assuming your mouse is fine when not playing cs. Right?

And what's your cs nick? (Just in case I ever play against you.)



Senior member
Jan 6, 2003
k, checked there, and it's sensitivity 1.000000, same as with my console command. and dangit, i loaded the hack to mess with my buddies at a closed lan! :p didn't work well, couldn't get the auto aim to work. :-/ everytime i centered on a guy, fired, my mouse would go wacko and i would be aiming at the sky or something. :-( but the wall hack worked fine, pissed the heck outa my friends when they finaly figured it out. :-D

so nobody knows of a program to clear hacks?


P.S. Its Gnome. :)


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Sounds like it is time for a NEW Half-Life/Counter-Strike install. Might want to get all references to Valve, Half-Life, & Counter-Strike removed from your registy also.

Might be a good deal anyway. Some of the pros(?) say they re-install every couple of weeks.

Makes their on-line game faster.

Good luck!

By the way, did you look in your 'root' directory (C:\) for any fishy files. I have a bunch of Counter-Strike files in mine. I believe they have to do with anti-cheating. (PLEASE NOTE: I HAVE NEVER CHEATED!) Apparently they are put there by the servers I play on.

I'll bet you have. You can tell by opening them with a text editor or maybe notepad. There will be stuff about weapons, color settings, etc.

Mine are: t1f0, tif0.1, t1fo, t1f4, t1lc, t1lc.1, t1lc2, t1ok, t1r0.2, tuc. These are all to do w/Counter-Strike.

Just delete them if they are there.



Senior member
Jan 6, 2003
i would do a fresh install, but i seem to have lost my HL cd. still have my Opposing Force and Team Fortress cds (bought the bundle package a bit ago). still have the unique CD Key too, just no cd. :-/ anybody wanna lend me an .iso of their HL cd? :-D
