So Crysis 3 really illustrated today how a 2-3 year old setup (even with a few upgraded components) can't hack it with even medium settings. I couldn't believe that even with my new 7950, I still had to set settings to "low" @ 1080p.
Current setup:
i7-930 (stock cooler) + GA-X58A-UD3R
24gb G.Skill DDR3
Sapphire 7950 3gb
Intel X25-M 80GB SSD + Storage Drives
Dual Dell 2711's (2560x1440) + 28" HannsG 1080p
Win7 Ultimate
PC is used 95% of the time for massive multi-tasking with office/productivity apps (hence triple monitors + 24gb ram). 5% of the time used to play the 1 or 2 games I buy each year (e.g., far cry 3, crysis 3, COD, etc)
Overall, i'm pretty happy with general windows performance, though Crysis 3 wiped the floor with this rig. With everything stock (non OCed), i used medium settings (granted, at 2560 res) and Crysis loaded the first stage at 20-30fps. Terrific.
Playing around with settings, here's what I've found (keep in mind this is pre-OC):
Res: 2560
Settings: Low
FPS: 30
Res: 1600x900
Settings: Medium
FPS: 30
Res: 1080p
Settings: Low
FPS: 60
I plan to overclock both CPU and GPU shortly, so that should boost things a bit, but i'd like to play Crysis 3 at medium or possibly even high settings with a decent frame rate. Preferably at 1080p or above.
I've seen a few youtube vids of guys running i5 3570 + 7950 at max settings 1080p and still getting 40+FPS. I assume this means i'm CPU limited.
Will a Core i5 3570K + Biostar TZ77B (~$315) yield a big difference relative to an O/Ced 930 + O/Ced 7950?
Also wondering if I'll notice any difference in general windows usage. The rig is pretty speedy overall as-is.
Also curious if anyone knows what kind of performance difference upgrading to a current-gen SSD (Samsung 840) would bring relative to my dinosaur X25M 80gb?
Current setup:
i7-930 (stock cooler) + GA-X58A-UD3R
24gb G.Skill DDR3
Sapphire 7950 3gb
Intel X25-M 80GB SSD + Storage Drives
Dual Dell 2711's (2560x1440) + 28" HannsG 1080p
Win7 Ultimate
PC is used 95% of the time for massive multi-tasking with office/productivity apps (hence triple monitors + 24gb ram). 5% of the time used to play the 1 or 2 games I buy each year (e.g., far cry 3, crysis 3, COD, etc)
Overall, i'm pretty happy with general windows performance, though Crysis 3 wiped the floor with this rig. With everything stock (non OCed), i used medium settings (granted, at 2560 res) and Crysis loaded the first stage at 20-30fps. Terrific.
Playing around with settings, here's what I've found (keep in mind this is pre-OC):
Res: 2560
Settings: Low
FPS: 30
Res: 1600x900
Settings: Medium
FPS: 30
Res: 1080p
Settings: Low
FPS: 60
I plan to overclock both CPU and GPU shortly, so that should boost things a bit, but i'd like to play Crysis 3 at medium or possibly even high settings with a decent frame rate. Preferably at 1080p or above.
I've seen a few youtube vids of guys running i5 3570 + 7950 at max settings 1080p and still getting 40+FPS. I assume this means i'm CPU limited.
Will a Core i5 3570K + Biostar TZ77B (~$315) yield a big difference relative to an O/Ced 930 + O/Ced 7950?
Also wondering if I'll notice any difference in general windows usage. The rig is pretty speedy overall as-is.
Also curious if anyone knows what kind of performance difference upgrading to a current-gen SSD (Samsung 840) would bring relative to my dinosaur X25M 80gb?