You must go through a 20% off link to get the compactflash for $49.59.
Crucial is giving a free Photosuite 4 (a $29.99 value) when you order a 128MB Crucial CompactFlash card (CT128MBC1) for $49.59. Free 2nd day shipping!
Place an order with Crucial for $50 or more, and you can purchase the Extreme Action Software Bundle for $69.99. You save 50% off the retail value on popular titles like "Commandos 2" and "Ghost Recon." Details here. Free 2nd day shipping.
Crucial is giving a free Photosuite 4 (a $29.99 value) when you order a 128MB Crucial CompactFlash card (CT128MBC1) for $49.59. Free 2nd day shipping!
Place an order with Crucial for $50 or more, and you can purchase the Extreme Action Software Bundle for $69.99. You save 50% off the retail value on popular titles like "Commandos 2" and "Ghost Recon." Details here. Free 2nd day shipping.