CrossFit Games starts tonight!


Mar 14, 2003
Have you registered? It costs $20 to register but we're going to be doing the workouts at my gym on the Thursday after each announcement anyway so I registered in order to see how I rank across the entire competition.

The first open workout will be posted tonight at 8 pm EST. Scores must be submitted by Sunday of each week.

Good Luck!


Sep 2, 2002
is there only 3 Crossfitters on this board?

our box is doing the WODs with another box on saturdays and making a huge event. 5 saturdays, each box picked 5 males and 5 females that compete. Top cumulative score wins the workout. Pride on the line!

Other than that .. i expect lots of love and fun.

Good luck guys! I don't post much about my progression but just finished 3 months and just finished up these skills

no false grip muscle up and bar muscle up
double unders, need to work on the speed rope
butterfly pullups


Mar 14, 2003
Man I wish I could find this on the tube!

You mean on TV? It's not the televised finals that begins today. It's only the world-wide open where everyone submits their scores to the main games website and the top 50 from each area go to the regionals. Then I think the top 50 overall from the regionals go to the televised finals.


Mar 14, 2003
is there only 3 Crossfitters on this board?

our box is doing the WODs with another box on saturdays and making a huge event. 5 saturdays, each box picked 5 males and 5 females that compete. Top cumulative score wins the workout. Pride on the line!

Other than that .. i expect lots of love and fun.

Good luck guys! I don't post much about my progression but just finished 3 months and just finished up these skills

no false grip muscle up and bar muscle up
double unders, need to work on the speed rope
butterfly pullups

Are you going to register and submit your scores? You're doing the wods anyway :)

I still have to get my ring and bar muscle ups.


Sep 2, 2002
Are you going to register and submit your scores? You're doing the wods anyway :)

I still have to get my ring and bar muscle ups.

Yeah registered and i think our coaches will submit the scores. I'm betting I'm in the bottom 20% of males. hahahaha.

We have 53 registered. Should be fun.


Sep 2, 2002
Workout 13.1

17 minute AMRAP of:
40 Burpees
30 Snatch, 75 / 45 lbs
30 Burpees
30 Snatch, 135 / 75 lbs
20 Burpees
30 Snatch, 165 / 100 lbs
10 burpees
Max rep Snatch, 210 / 120 lbs

What's your strategy?
Since i can't do 135# snactch, i'm just gonna burn through up-to the 30 burpees


Mar 14, 2003
Workout 13.1

17 minute AMRAP of:
40 Burpees
30 Snatch, 75 / 45 lbs
30 Burpees
30 Snatch, 135 / 75 lbs
20 Burpees
30 Snatch, 165 / 100 lbs
10 burpees
Max rep Snatch, 210 / 120 lbs

What's your strategy?
Since i can't do 135# snactch, i'm just gonna burn through up-to the 30 burpees

I read that the tie-breaker is the time that it took you to finish your last completed set of snatches and I can't do 135# snatches either (1RM is 125#). So my plan is to burn through the first 40 burpees as fast as possible then complete the 75# snatches as fast as possible so I can record a fast time for that. Then I'm going to aim to finish the 30 burpees with enough time to at least try 135# twice. I typically do 100 burpees in about 7 to 8 minutes so I should have at least a couple minutes after all this to try the 135# snatches.

Good luck!


Mar 14, 2003
My total: 100

I was able to finish the first set of snatches at 5:57 and after the 30 burpees I had about 7 minutes to get one of the 135# snatches but I was so tired I couldn't even pull the bar higher than my waist. I failed about 7 times at that weight, even after giving myself quite a bit of rest.


Sep 2, 2002
My total: 100

I was able to finish the first set of snatches at 5:57 and after the 30 burpees I had about 7 minutes to get one of the 135# snatches but I was so tired I couldn't even pull the bar higher than my waist. I failed about 7 times at that weight, even after giving myself quite a bit of rest.

NICE! 100 @ 5:57 puts you around 5469 out of 6857

To be honest, i have no idea what to expect out of myself. Tonite, going into the gym for clean work, snatch, low volume, lots of mobility, no metcon.

Tomorrow, depending on the heat we run, warmup, mobility, coffee. Will update tomorrow!


Mar 14, 2003
NICE! 100 @ 5:57 puts you around 5469 out of 6857

To be honest, i have no idea what to expect out of myself. Tonite, going into the gym for clean work, snatch, low volume, lots of mobility, no metcon.

Tomorrow, depending on the heat we run, warmup, mobility, coffee. Will update tomorrow!

Actually, I'm in the men's master's 40-44 age division so the group is much smaller but my affiliate hasn't validated my score yet so I don't see it on the leaderboards. From the looks of it I'm somewhere in the 600's out of around 800 I think.

Today we're doing a FGB variant with rope climbs, ttb, row, tire flip/jump, and C&J 95#.

Good luck tomorrow!


Sep 2, 2002
100 reps
Tie break: 7:10

Hit my goal. Bang out the 40 burpees, power through 75# snatch, and slow play the 30 burpees. 2 attempts at 135# but didn't come close.


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
Workout sounds horrible...

30 Sn sounds crazy.

It'll be interesting to see what people score on this.



Apr 1, 2001
One of the girls in my area is in the top 10 worldwide after only Crossfitting for 8 months...she was a D1 soccer player at Valpo. :p

Meanwhile, I'm closely watching the Open progress as I'll be working for CF again this years at 3 different Regionals and hopefully the Games again as well.


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2002
Here's the 2x Women's champ doing the workout.

there was a video of the number 1 and 3 guy going head to head but the video went private.

someone please explain the appeal of crossfit. I am very intrigued by crossfit, but from what I have watched online it just looks stupid. watching that vid above with the 2x champ doing burpie after burpie doesn't look enjoyable or rewarding. I have a few people at the gym that do it and it doesn't look fun. Most of what I see is people making fools of themselves and risking injury.

I am all for people getting in shape, and in whatever way that may work for them, but is crossfit really that appealing for people?

and no, I probably wouldn't do very well at it
Last edited:


Mar 14, 2003
someone please explain the appeal of crossfit. I am very intrigued by crossfit, but from what I have watched online it just looks stupid. watching that vid above with the 2x champ doing burpie after burpie doesn't look enjoyable or rewarding. I have a few people at the gym that do it and it doesn't look fun. Most of what I see is people making fools of themselves and risking injury.

I am all for people getting in shape, and in whatever way that may work for them, but is crossfit really that appealing for people?

and no, I probably wouldn't do very well at it

I'm not an expert or anything but I do enjoy the workouts. Sure they are difficult but I like testing myself to see what I can accomplish. If the coaches at the gym are good they should be instructing us on how to properly execute any of the exercises and how to properly scale the workouts in order to avoid injury. I also like that I never know what the workout for the day is going to be so that keeps it interesting and the workouts rarely repeat. When we do actually repeat workouts I like to see how I did the previous time to compare to the new one to see if I've improved. Finally, I like that the exercises/workouts are so varied so that I get what I'd consider a more all-around competency.

Do you have any specific questions or examples of things you thought were stupid? Again, I'm not an expert but I can try to answer any questions you might have or explain any of the ideas behind the stuff we do.


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2002
I'm not an expert or anything but I do enjoy the workouts. Sure they are difficult but I like testing myself to see what I can accomplish. If the coaches at the gym are good they should be instructing us on how to properly execute any of the exercises and how to properly scale the workouts in order to avoid injury. I also like that I never know what the workout for the day is going to be so that keeps it interesting and the workouts rarely repeat. When we do actually repeat workouts I like to see how I did the previous time to compare to the new one to see if I've improved. Finally, I like that the exercises/workouts are so varied so that I get what I'd consider a more all-around competency.

Do you have any specific questions or examples of things you thought were stupid? Again, I'm not an expert but I can try to answer any questions you might have or explain any of the ideas behind the stuff we do.

it's not a difficulty thing... If I wanted to train that way, I am sure I could hold my own.

What I don't understand is that in my train of thought, it's fun to see how much weight I can lift, or maybe getting a couple more reps at a given weight. for runners, maybe how far they can run or how far in a given time...

in crossfit, you are doing some half@ssed weight lifting and some grade school style calisthenics. a lot of the form is questionable at best (ie: kipping) all the while being timed. In a very general sense I understand it, but I guess I don't understand the cult like following it seems to have taken on.

Do I really care how long it takes me to do a 100 burpies mixed with some 135# snatches? You don't get built like a bodybuilder, nor do you get the strength of a power lifter. Sure some of the top guys/gals have decent builds, but if I am busting as in the gym, I better get massively yolked, or lift some epic weight... not just slim down a bit and move some half assed weight with crappy form 50 times in 8 minutes


Mar 14, 2003
What I don't understand is that in my train of thought, it's fun to see how much weight I can lift, or maybe getting a couple more reps at a given weight. for runners, maybe how far they can run or how far in a given time...

We do this, too. We train to increase strength and keep track of maxes for comparison purposes. Maybe not everyone keeps track of their maxes but I certainly do. It's very rewarding to see progress. We also record track times like 5k, 1mi, 400m so we can guage progress there as well.

in crossfit, you are doing some half@ssed weight lifting and some grade school style calisthenics. a lot of the form is questionable at best (ie: kipping) all the while being timed.

I'm not sure what you mean by half@ssed weight lifting. We do all the traditional power and olympic lifting movements (squat, deadlift, press, bench press, snatch, clean, jerk) and good coaches ensure that we have proper form. They will even make sure we workout at lower weights to make sure we minimize the risk of injury. Regarding the calisthenics, do you mean workouts that involve burpees or pullups or pushups? I don't see anything wrong with including bodyweight exercises in an all-around fitness type of program. Is there something specific you dislike about these types of exercises?

Do you have examples of the questionable form to which you refer? Kipping is only performed on a small subset of exercises (pullups, handstand pushups, muscle-ups) and is supplemented by workouts in which strict non-kipping movements must be performed.

Do I really care how long it takes me to do a 100 burpies mixed with some 135# snatches? You don't get built like a bodybuilder, nor do you get the strength of a power lifter. Sure some of the top guys/gals have decent builds, but if I am busting as in the gym, I better get massively yolked, or lift some epic weight... not just slim down a bit and move some half assed weight with crappy form 50 times in 8 minutes

I would say that though I am neither built like a bodybuilder nor have the strength of a power lifter that I have decent and increasing aptitude at the movements performed in either endeavor (at my age, height, weight, experience). That is what I think crossfit does for me.

If you only want to be built like a body builder then there are probably much better, more suited programs for you. Likewise, if you only want the strength of a power lifter.

Regarding the cult-like status, I think that's just an unfortunate byproduct of people who are just really, really excited about what they've been able to achieve. But because it's a pretty well known byproduct I try my best to not proselytize about it wherever I go and just provide information and opinions from my own experience.


Apr 29, 2001
I agree that crossfitters seem to be annoying and overzealous. But then I step back and realize that anything that gets people to work out really can't be bad. I'll do some HIIT stuff that is similar to cross fit from time to time.


Sep 2, 2002
there's on doubt that there are tons of reckeless, stupid crap that happens under the "Crossfit" name. Even the "HQ" makes ridiculous statements about what it does and showcases some stupid crap. from CF main website - .. srsly that's terrible. But i wouldn't say there's more or less reckless stuff that happens at 24 Hour Fitness or Bros giving bad advice.

As pointed out, it doesn't do anything very good compared to the more specialized training methods, pure strength/powerlifitng/olympic or sprinting/distance running but it does combine both to be functional.

If I were to break down my workouts it'd be
Warmup > Strength training > conditioning (HIIT) > Mobility