I currently have one of these...
And one of these...
My question is given that that thing is I believe a 2.5 or 3 even slot cooler,
Will I be able to crossfire these?
I was thinking of picking up another, or prolly even just the sapphire 7950 that has the same footprint as this one.
I know that it says it supports crossfire, but I would like anyone with experience first hand to comment please!
I am looking for some more UMPH from my system and given the price of the 7950 and the apparent scaling, I think that 280$$ w/ C3 and Bioschock is kinda hard to turn down.
System is in sig.:awe:
I currently have one of these...
And one of these...
My question is given that that thing is I believe a 2.5 or 3 even slot cooler,
Will I be able to crossfire these?
I was thinking of picking up another, or prolly even just the sapphire 7950 that has the same footprint as this one.
I know that it says it supports crossfire, but I would like anyone with experience first hand to comment please!
I am looking for some more UMPH from my system and given the price of the 7950 and the apparent scaling, I think that 280$$ w/ C3 and Bioschock is kinda hard to turn down.
System is in sig.:awe: