Person uses credit card to purchase item. Item is only purchase on credit card. Person then proceeds to pay-off item amount, resulting in the amount owed on credit to be $0. Person than decides to return item to store for refund.
How does this work? Obviously, the store will credit the card that was used in the purchase, but, since the credit card has a $0 balance, it's not like the amount is going to affect the balance on the card any. Does the credit card company issue a check to the holder? Does it result in a credit on the card in the amount of the purchase?
Person uses credit card to purchase item. Item is only purchase on credit card. Person then proceeds to pay-off item amount, resulting in the amount owed on credit to be $0. Person than decides to return item to store for refund.
How does this work? Obviously, the store will credit the card that was used in the purchase, but, since the credit card has a $0 balance, it's not like the amount is going to affect the balance on the card any. Does the credit card company issue a check to the holder? Does it result in a credit on the card in the amount of the purchase?