Creating a game server problem.


Oct 7, 2000
im trying to run a cs server or any game server for me and a few friends of mine. i have capped upload at 128kbits/s so i can only host a few ppl anyways. I'm using 2 computers both with win98se and using it's internet sharing functions. Now when i join or download or do anything but server it all runs great. However when i run a server for CS or Diablo2 or any game, non of my friends are able to connect. they tell me that the game cannot even find my server. Now, i thought it was the firewall problem so i've uninstalled it and deleted everything (registery and all files) and it still gave me same error. Even after a format and fresh install it gave me same problems. But i have no problem joining and playing any online games.

I'm using win98se for both machines, @home cable service. my traceroute and ping commands all give me great pings. for network setting i have Tcp/ip and Ipx/Spx only (do i need other protocalls?). That's the most i can think of now. Please ask questions and help... I can't seem to figure this out. thanx

Please email me or PM me incase this post goes down too fast.


Junior Member
Jan 12, 2001
Have you tried running off of a switch or hub, ect... it may be an ip adress issue. I just don't fully understand what type of conection you are running here. Are you going with a dedicated server on one of your machines? Can your friends join in any other games besides d2 and cs?
Right now it could be a lot of things.


Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2000
Which machine are you trying to run the server from? If it is from the one that has 2 Nics(ICS Gateway) then it should work fine. If it is from the one with one NIC (ICS Client) then you will have to forward the correct ports for the game on the gateway.

Here is a simple program that will make it easy for you to map ports to your client machine. Port Mapping For instance if you run a dedicated Counter Srike server on your client machine you will want to forward port 27015 to This is telling your gateway machine that all packets coming in on port 27015 can go to a client at