Crazy deals at Love Sac!


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
Just got back from my local Love Sac, where they're having a Grand Opening sale (though the store's been open for months). It started out with a thing where the first sac sold when the doors opened was 99% off, then -1% until it got to 50%, then it was 4 hours of 50% off, then another few hours of 45% off or something like that.

I got a 6' Super Sac and a corduroy cover for $225. Online the sac sells for $390 and the cover isn't listed, but normal price in store was $150.

I'm so excited I got in on this! It'll be perfect for the dorm. I have no idea if this is my store only or if all Love Sac stores are doing it, so YMMV! If you're in the Nashua, NH area, check it out, but hurry!



Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
Originally posted by: wildcat86
never heard of it before, i want one for my dorm room!

Just make sure you have room! My friend had a 6' model in his room and the Sac took up just about all the floorspace. If you've never seen one of these in person, you have no idea how huge they are!


Junior Member
Aug 20, 2005
I have a friend that bought himself one of these as a wedding present. I made fun of him for spending that much money on a glorified beanbag--until I sat on the thing. They're pretty awesome! As a fan of nonstandard furniture, I say if you've got the $$ to spend on one, go get one.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
Originally posted by: mioxre
I have a friend that bought himself one of these as a wedding present. I made fun of him for spending that much money on a glorified beanbag--until I sat on the thing. They're pretty awesome! As a fan of nonstandard furniture, I say if you've got the $$ to spend on one, go get one.

It's true! You can't mock it 'til you've sat in one.



Senior member
Jul 16, 2004
Seriously... it's the one thing that people look at and then blow it off before trying it out. Heck, I did it myself. My brother was ranting and raving about Love Sac and I just told him it was a glorified bean-bag. Wow, was I wrong. Easily, THE most comfortable thing I've ever sat in.


Aug 24, 2004
Wow... when my bro told me about these love sacs I was like. :roll:

Then when we were at the mall, we went there and i sat in one. Oh boy, I thought wrong. I almost fell asleep the minute I layed in it. It's sooooo comfortable. ;)


Senior member
Apr 4, 2001
My Love Sac swells and becomes uncomfortable when it doesn't receive regular attention. Also, sometimes when it's hot it sticks to my thigh.


Golden Member
Jan 6, 2001
Originally posted by: Tu13erhead
Originally posted by: wildcat86
never heard of it before, i want one for my dorm room!

Just make sure you have room! My friend had a 6' model in his room and the Sac took up just about all the floorspace. If you've never seen one of these in person, you have no idea how huge they are!

Just use it as your bed then. ;)


Golden Member
Jan 6, 2001
Upcoming LoveSac Openings

West Nyack, NY: Palisades Center
August 2005

Wauwatosa, WI: Mayfair Mall
August 2005

Manhattan, NY: Times Square - Virgin Megastore
September 2005

Riverside, CA: Tyler Galleria
September 2005

Grandville, MI: Rivertown Crossing
September 2005

Fort Wayne, IN: Glennbrook Square
October 2005

There are several other stores on tap and we?ll let you know when and where LoveSac stores will be opening near you as we get confirmations.

At LoveSac we know that you just can?t tell someone to Live Life Oversized, they have to see it, feel it, and live it for themselves. That?s why whenever LoveSac opens a new store we don?t just open the doors, we kick them wide open, blasting the party out to everyone everywhere.
A LoveSac grand opening has to be seen to be believed. And you never know what you?re going to get with us.

Here?s a quick rundown of some past promotions:

The Countdown had people stand in line for a discount, simple enough until you realize that the first person in line got a Sac for free! The next person got one for 99% off and the person after that took home a LoveSac for 98% off. Well you get the idea from here. Everyone who waited in line overnight got at least 50% off, as well as a chance to party with the LoveSac crew all night long.

Bands of Love was a promotion we did at our 50th store in Murray, Utah. People had to race around to all of the other LoveSac stores in the state to receive wristbands. The more bands you collected the bigger discount they gained. Let?s just say that we had a line from opening to closing at the Fashion Place Mall.

We?ve also run a promotion called ?Labors of Love? where we sent people all over Portland, Oregon on a wild scavenger hunt. People had to secure a welcome letter form the mayor, bring us food, create signs, bug total strangers, and a lot more. One true LoveSac?cer even got our logo tattooed on his shoulder to receive two free Sacs ? talk about product branding!

The point is you never know what to expect when LoveSac comes to your town, you just know that you want to be there!

Keep an eye on this page and we?ll let you know exact dates of openings as we get them, and we?ll tell you what type of party we?ll be throwing, unless it?s top secret. In that case you?ll have to just show up and see what happens!


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
Originally posted by: Triggerhappy007
Originally posted by: Tu13erhead
Originally posted by: wildcat86
never heard of it before, i want one for my dorm room!

Just make sure you have room! My friend had a 6' model in his room and the Sac took up just about all the floorspace. If you've never seen one of these in person, you have no idea how huge they are!

Just use it as your bed then. ;)

I plan to. :D


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Sanjoelo
My Love Sac swells and becomes uncomfortable when it doesn't receive regular attention. Also, sometimes when it's hot it sticks to my thigh.

if you're in public and that happens you can peel it off if you put your hand in your pocket


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
My friend has a Foof or something like that, it's supposed to be the same thing but definetly not as comfy as a Love Sac.