Crackling Soundcard

Mad Monk

Junior Member
Mar 27, 2005
Hello everyone,

I just bought a new computer and I'm having issues with my sound card. I carried it over from my previous computer, but all of the other parts are new. The sound card is a SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum. My problem is that if I stick anything that makes sound, speakers or headphones, into either the back of the sound card or the front bay accessory they crackle terribly. The level of crackling is also not dependant on the volume of the sound, even if I mute the computer I can still hear crackling sounds through my speakers or headphones. I know that it is not my speakers or headphones causing the problem because I've tried 3 pairs of headphones and all do the same thing. Could my PSU or some other part of my computer be interfering with my soundcard?

Thanks a lot


Mad Monk

Junior Member
Mar 27, 2005
I just noticed that the more I use my CD rom drive the worse the crackling gets... could my CD rom drive be interfering with my sound card?


Senior member
Sep 24, 2001
Some info about your system would help--- what mobo? Does it have onboard sound? If so, do you have onboard sound disabled prior to installing the card? Have you tried reseating the card? It sounds like a short.