Crackdown worth it?


Oct 9, 1999
Finished GTA4 last week and there's nothing really to do post game. I was thinking of picking up Crackdown as I hear it's a better sandbox than GTA4. Work picking up still or will it seem dated compared to recent games?


Apr 29, 2003
Dude, it's like a year old. :laugh: If you look in the Saints Row thread posted today, several people recommended Crackdown. I highly recommend it.

I would say Crackdown would have been better than GTA IV if it weren't so short. I liked most aspects of Crackdown better than GTA IV except the driving, which just sucks at lower levels. It sucked os much that I did it so infrequently that I never leveled it up. You can jump and run so fast that it's not worth driving most of the time.

I really, really wish they were making a Crackdown 2.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2005
For the $20 it costs these days, sure, buy it. It's a lot of fun, even if it's not the deepest game ever.

There is some speculation that the devs will return to Crackdown 2 after they get done with APB (which might turn into GTA Online, or so the rumors go), so I would expect to see a sequel someday, perhaps for the next Xbox?

R Nilla

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2006
Be warned that the 'missions' are extremely cookie cutter: Go to location X, kill boss Y, encounter baddies along the way. In fact, there's nothing really different or challenging about each boss, other than the different weapons they may possess.

Otherwise it's a great game. Leaping across buildings and tossing vehicles provides endless entertainment, as do a lot of the weapons. The 'story' is extremely shallow, but it doesn't matter because everything else is a lot of fun. This is a true sandbox game.


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: R Nilla
Be warned that the 'missions' are extremely cookie cutter: Go to location X, kill boss Y, encounter baddies along the way. In fact, there's nothing really different or challenging about each boss, other than the different weapons they may possess.

Otherwise it's a great game. Leaping across buildings and tossing vehicles provides endless entertainment, as do a lot of the weapons. The 'story' is extremely shallow, but it doesn't matter because everything else is a lot of fun. This is a true sandbox game.

You know, I was going to comment on this game being just as repetitive as Assassin's Creed, but I didn't think it was a problem with either game. Yeah, Crackdown is just 21 instances of the same exact mission over and over again, but it didn't feel repetitive. Not only did the difficulty increase, but each boss had a different type of location with different obstacles. And it was great that the game didn't make you follow a particular route or go through intermediate checkpoints on your way to the boss. I also thought it was cool that killing one boss would supposedly affect the difficulty of attacking other bosses (i.e. if you kill the munitions boss the bad guys would have weaker weapons, etc).


Oct 9, 1999
I don't mind repetitiveness if it suits the game. From what I understand Crackdown does not take itself too seriously where GTA4's repetitiveness becomes an issue because the game tries so hard to be "epic".

On the fence between going for Crackdown going all in for MGS4, but I need levity right now so I'm leaning towards the former.


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2001
Hunting orbs > hunting flying rats

Get Crackdown. You can even do some real co-op in Crackdown... unlike GTA4 where the lack of any true co-op was a HUGE let down.


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: ducci
Crackdown is so good, after reading this thread I am tempted to go home and start playing it again tonight.

Me too. :Q But I sprained my wrist last night, and I'm not sure I can play games right now. :( I also got an unexpected urge to play Battlestations: Midway.


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2001
Originally posted by: R Nilla
Be warned that the 'missions' are extremely cookie cutter: Go to location X, kill boss Y, encounter baddies along the way. In fact, there's nothing really different or challenging about each boss, other than the different weapons they may possess.

Otherwise it's a great game. Leaping across buildings and tossing vehicles provides endless entertainment, as do a lot of the weapons. The 'story' is extremely shallow, but it doesn't matter because everything else is a lot of fun. This is a true sandbox game.

GJ. You just explained every game.


Oct 24, 2000
Originally posted by: biggestmuff
Originally posted by: R Nilla
Be warned that the 'missions' are extremely cookie cutter: Go to location X, kill boss Y, encounter baddies along the way. In fact, there's nothing really different or challenging about each boss, other than the different weapons they may possess.

Otherwise it's a great game. Leaping across buildings and tossing vehicles provides endless entertainment, as do a lot of the weapons. The 'story' is extremely shallow, but it doesn't matter because everything else is a lot of fun. This is a true sandbox game.

GJ. You just explained every game.

I didn't realize Viva Pinata had bosses you had to kill, or locations you had to go to. Wow!

R Nilla

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2006
Originally posted by: biggestmuff
Originally posted by: R Nilla
Be warned that the 'missions' are extremely cookie cutter: Go to location X, kill boss Y, encounter baddies along the way. In fact, there's nothing really different or challenging about each boss, other than the different weapons they may possess.

Otherwise it's a great game. Leaping across buildings and tossing vehicles provides endless entertainment, as do a lot of the weapons. The 'story' is extremely shallow, but it doesn't matter because everything else is a lot of fun. This is a true sandbox game.

GJ. You just explained every game.

True, but Crackdown is a lot more cookie cutter than most. I know when you boil it down all games are repetitive, I just feel that Crackdown was pretty empty as far as the "missions" went. Nothing interesting or rewarding about going after the bosses. The fun was in the weapons and abilities of your character. The missions seemed like an after thought to give the game a point.


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: JoPh
try the demo?

I played the demo and thought it was... strange. I wasn't really sure what the game was trying to be. It wasn't until I borrowed the game from a friend that I really got into it. I will say that as far as demos go, Crackdown's was pretty good. IIRC it allowed you to play for 1 hour, and you leveled up much more quickly than in the real game.

Originally posted by: R Nilla
True, but Crackdown is a lot more cookie cutter than most. I know when you boil it down all games are repetitive, I just feel that Crackdown was pretty empty as far as the "missions" went. Nothing interesting or rewarding about going after the bosses. The fun was in the weapons and abilities of your character. The missions seemed like an after thought to give the game a point.

Crackdown is rather unique in its "mission" structure. Really, there are no missions. There is just one objective which you are aware of from the beginning of the game - kill 21 people. There's no beginning to a mission, no scripting, no nothing. You could even kill the "final boss" first if you wanted to. The game is as "sandboxish" as the sanbox genre can get. So there wasn't the kind of variety in the missions that you'd see in GTA IV, but I think the different environments that each boss inhabited made each "mission" very different.


Jun 24, 2004
One thing that hasn't been mentioned yet is that Crackdown's graphics are cel-shaded, which looks pretty cool. It's a very pretty game and it runs very smoothly.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
The massive agility helps to break the game later on, it makes it even easier to jump straight to the boss in each base and kill them in seconds, making the missions rather redundant.

I wouldn't say it's a better sandbox than GTA, although jumping around on buildings is fun. The dialog from pedestrians/enemies is extremely repetitive and annoying though. I'm so sick of hearing 'THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!'