Hello everyone. Recently I was taking the CPU out of the board when I got some thermal paste around the CPU area. When I took the CPU out, the paste got caught in the pins of the CPU.
I first tried to remove the paste via using IPA on towels and then on cotton swabs. Well, this method didn't work too effectively. Then I simply poured quite a bit of IPA over the pins. This also didn't help.
Then I used a toothbrush soaked with IPA and cleaned the pins. This seems to have remove the paste from the pins and I don't see any damage done to the CPU. But I'm slightly worried that pouring a liberal amount of IPA over the CPU pins might cause some issue. I cannot test whether the CPU works or not at this point. Just wondering if you guys think some damage may have occurred. Of course, the best way is to find out but I cannot right now.
Appreciate any help.
I first tried to remove the paste via using IPA on towels and then on cotton swabs. Well, this method didn't work too effectively. Then I simply poured quite a bit of IPA over the pins. This also didn't help.
Then I used a toothbrush soaked with IPA and cleaned the pins. This seems to have remove the paste from the pins and I don't see any damage done to the CPU. But I'm slightly worried that pouring a liberal amount of IPA over the CPU pins might cause some issue. I cannot test whether the CPU works or not at this point. Just wondering if you guys think some damage may have occurred. Of course, the best way is to find out but I cannot right now.
Appreciate any help.