T Tango2201 Junior Member Sep 21, 2004 16 0 0 Nov 5, 2004 #1 Where are some sites where I can find good deals? Thanks!
S Sentinel Diamond Member Jun 23, 2000 3,714 1 71 Nov 5, 2004 #2 www.mwave.com is a decent one www.newegg.com is always top-notch www.allstarshop.com www.excaliberpc.com www.monarchcomputer.com www.svc.com
www.mwave.com is a decent one www.newegg.com is always top-notch www.allstarshop.com www.excaliberpc.com www.monarchcomputer.com www.svc.com
T Tango2201 Junior Member Sep 21, 2004 16 0 0 Nov 5, 2004 #3 I'll check out some of those sites, but NewEgg doesn't have combos.
P piasabird Lifer Feb 6, 2002 17,168 60 91 Nov 5, 2004 #4 http://images10.newegg.com/Upl...gg/AMD/3400/index.html
SearchMaster Diamond Member Jun 6, 2002 7,791 114 106 Nov 5, 2004 #6 Outpost.com occasionally runs specials (they are the online Fry's). For example, right now they have: P4 2.4/800 + mobo = $140 P4 2.8/533 + mobo = $150 P4 3.2E/800 + mobo = $220
Outpost.com occasionally runs specials (they are the online Fry's). For example, right now they have: P4 2.4/800 + mobo = $140 P4 2.8/533 + mobo = $150 P4 3.2E/800 + mobo = $220