CPU is too hot, need suggestions.


Feb 15, 2002
Hello, I got an Athlon XP 1700+ processor running on an Iwill XP333-R motherboard in an Antec KS-282 case.
I only have the stock heatsink and fan that came with the retail processor and no additional case fans.
So my cpu is running at 50c idle and 54c full load. I of course would like to see it 10 degrees celsius lower. My goal is 40c idle.

I want to get a case fan for the front of the case to pull cooler air in, and a friend of mine mentioned getting a new heatsink/fan.
So here's my questions.

1. Will getting both a new heatsink/fan and case fan cool me down to the temperature I want, or can I just get one and recieve the desired effect?
2. Which heatsink/fans for my processor would be better than the stock one?
2. Which case fan would be the best?

I don't care how loud any of the fans are, just as long as they cool my system.
I'm looking to only spend $30 right now on this, because I built a new computer recently and it has tapped me dry. :)


Senior member
Jun 11, 2001
hey chapter11,

just doing one or the other won't necessarily drop ur temperatures all that much. the reason for this is no case fans means the air mite just sit inside the case, and keep heating up. at the same time, crappy hsf doesn't dissipate the heat, resulting in a hotter core.

if u want the best hsf out there, get the alpha 8045, for $30 + shipping from case-mod.com. if you want pretty good, but not the best cooler, u can get the svc gc68 for $13 + shipping from case-mod.com as well. with the alpha, u'll need to order a fan separately. i'd personally recommend getting a bunch of panaflows. u can read this thread for info on where to get those.

hope this helps, and welcome to world of members who actually post of the forums! :)



Feb 15, 2002
Thanks. It did help.

A few more questions though. A bigger mm fan is traditionally better for a case fan right?
Say, an 80mm fan would be better than a 60mm fan because it would conduct more airflow correct?

You also mentioned the panaflo fans. Would the 120mm with the free grill be good to get?
Panaflo Link


Senior member
Jun 11, 2001
hey chapter11,

when it comes to case fans, ur basically stuck with whatever ur case was made for, which is generally 80 mm. just take a look at ur case, and look at wherever the fan grills are placed. most cases don't take 120 mm, unless u have a server tower, so just make sure there's space in ur case before u buy it.



Senior member
Nov 21, 2000
It will be helpful if you install an exhaust case fan. Exhaust fan will drop the overall air temp inside the case and also drop down the cpu temp.

Stock fan will not cool the chip down to 40C.

You will need to replace the heatsink/fan unit to a more powerful unit.



Aug 17, 2000
Going with a larger(120mm) fans would be great, but you'll proabably have to modify your case to make it fit, standard size is 80mm. Large fans=highest cfm with lowest noise. That particular fan is a "M1A" which is the medium cfm rated Panaflo, there is also an L1A and a H1A(low and high), since you are putting this in the front of your case the noise this fan makes will be more apparent.

In my Antec 830 I'm using just the two 80mm in the back along with my enermax which has two fans and case temps are 25C-26C.


Feb 15, 2002
Ok, thanks again.
I would've felt stupid buying a 120mm fan and not being able to put it in my case. :)

If I'm gonna cool down my computer I might as well do it right. I'm going to get the Alpha 8045 heatsink and two 80mm fans.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
What is your ambient temp?
What thermal transfer material are you using?

These questions matter to find out the real cause of your problem although I suspect it is your wimpy retail HSF. Ideally you should be using ASII as a thermal transfer between your HS and CPU- just a dab on the core.


Feb 15, 2002

<< What thermal transfer material are you using? >>

There's some kind of pink pad on the bottom of my current heatsink right now. That I'm guessing is the current thermal conductor being used?
I don't know anything about the thermal compounds though because this was my first computer I actually built myself.
I asked someone before I built the comp and they said I didn't need any thermal product like Arctic Silver because I had the retail cpu and heatsink....

<< What is your ambient temp? >>

What do you mean by ambient temp? The overall system temperature?
It's 36c if thats what your asking.


Senior member
Oct 5, 2001
I would recommend some artic silver (2 or better) if you are going to use a higher performing HSF combination. You'll need it to get the best out of the HSF.

Ambient temp is your room temp. That should be around 22C or so. I have the Alpha 8045 now running with a panaflo on top with an 840 case. I have 5 case fans going. I have 24-25C case temp and 37-42 idle-load temps on a 1600xp running 145 fsbx10.5. I want to double check on my memory limits before I go further. I know I can get a bit higher and maintain decent temps.


Feb 15, 2002
Ok, then my ambient/room temperature is about 19c.
I'm just going to go with a process of elimination. I'll go buy another case fan or two tomorrow and take it from there. I'll get a better heatsink next, and so on.
I think lack of airflow is a big problem though.
I have a regular house fan blowing at the outside front of the case right now and just the litte bit of air that makes it into the case cools my cpu temp down 4 degrees. So when I put a fan inside the case it's bound to be even better.