CPU Cycles to Fight Disease


Golden Member
Oct 5, 2002
Guys, what is the project that utilizes idle CPU cycles to fight diseases? I'm pretty sure SETI@home is for finding aliens or whatever, and I think fighting disease is a much more important cause. What are some links where I can sign-up / download a program to help while I'm AFK. Thanks guys :)


Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
There is also a project called Community TSC that is trying to cure certain childhood diseases but I don't have a link handy. I myself do D2OL it has a bigger following by this team.


Elite Member
Nov 20, 2001
There are plenty of projects that fight diseases. D2OL is trying to find drugs to combat Smallpox, Anthrax and Ebola. Distributed Folding and Folding at Home are looking at the ways proteins fold to try to combat some diseases like Alzheimers, Mad Cow's Disease, cystic fibrosis, and some cancers. United Devices is working on cancer solutions. The Rothberg Institute has Community TSC which is working on a cure for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex a disease which effects children. They believe the research conducted will also have an effect on cancer treatments.

They are the major medical projects. Here are links:

D2OL Main Page D2OL TeAm Page
DF Main Page TeAm DF Page
Folding@Home Main Page TeAm F@H Page
UD Main Page UD TeAm Page
Community TSC Main Page TeAm TSC Page

Currently here is the rankings for the various teams:

D2OL Ranked 14th and moving up fast
DF TeAm ranked 18th and progress has slowed :(
F@H TeAm ranked 16th and progress has slowed :(
UD TeAm ranked 16th recently passed by BBR :(
Community TSC ranked 14th and progress has slowed :(

Take a look at the various projects and see which one makes sense for you. There is still classic Genome@Home, but I don't know if the TeAm is still going forward with that project so if someone from there would like to post information that would be great. If I have left any other medical projects out, please post them as I think I hit all the biggies.



Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
I don't think I was aware that DF and Folding@Home could help cystic fibrosis. My brother has CF so finding a cure would it would have a direct impact on my life.


Senior member
Jun 9, 2001
link for Community TSC

Team Anandtech is currently 14th and could certainly use the help. I will be putting some af my resources back to that progect as soon as the MTR is over.:);)

edit: yea, what crazee said:)