My parents have verizon because when we got it it was faster and there was some kind of package deal. Then Cox was permanently given permission to use their lines. If Cox is cheaper, is it worth switching back to? Do they treat returning customers as well as first time customers? Sometimes download speeds exceed more 3MBps with my setup, and that's good. I'd be okay with 7/8 the speed which I'm sure Cox offers.
I'd have to back up all of my emails if my parents have Verizon pull the plug. My parents were wondering if going back to Cox would be worthwhile. We switched from Cox 3 years ago so we have no idea what it's like now.
I'd have to back up all of my emails if my parents have Verizon pull the plug. My parents were wondering if going back to Cox would be worthwhile. We switched from Cox 3 years ago so we have no idea what it's like now.