could use some help with HDMI CEC


Jan 6, 2002
Okay, so I googled this and I've been messing around tonight and I'm not seeming to get anywhere with it. I have an LG TV that support simplink and the dish hopper with the new 54.0 remote. I enabled it in my TV settings, and enabled it in my dish settings.

Right now I have 2 HDMI device hooked up to my TV my dish and my Xbox One S. When I press the button on my Dish remote I want it to turn on the TV and set the input to my dish. Right now when I do that it defaults to whatever the last input was. What do I need to do to get this to work correctly? I tried switching the HDMI ports to see if that was it, but it does the same thing.

If it makes any difference, I have the older generation Hopper.


Golden Member
Feb 26, 2001
CEC relies HEAVILY on manufacturer support. If the inputs do not switch, check for a setting on the TV (Maybe under simplink?). Otherwise, you are likely out of luck for the base remote.

(This is why I have a Harmony remote...)


Jan 6, 2002
thanks for the reply, I think I figured it out. The Dish remote only shuts off the TV when I press the power button. Not sure why, but apparently this is how it's suppose to work. When I'm on HDMI 2 (X Box) and turn on my Dish box it auto switches. I thought it would be cool to get CEC working so I could use my Magic remote to control Dish. Way too much hassle though, so unless someone else here has an idea I'm just going to deal with 2 remotes until I become uncheap and buy a Harmony 950