Originally posted by: warpigeon
Originally posted by: ironwing
I'll bite.
What kinds of messages did she send, specifically?
Thanks for the interest: going to reply in brief
One night we went out to the city (sf) to meet friends, I pick her up. (Makes sense in a location sort of way.) She makes a point that she'll drive home if i drink too much (to her place). On the way home (I drove, didnt dink too much) she's interested in me and invites me up for water or whatever. I know I pussed out.
Next day calls me to pick her up at her friends and go watch ncaa at bar and then take care of dogs at friends house who were leaving that afternoon for tahoe (after the game). we walk dogs, get back to the house, she seems nervous, i puss out and leave (well her car was there), i didnt abandon her.
Last weekend at friends condo in sf she more or less gives me a lap dance (that I asked for). grinds me pretty good. i could tell she liked doing it.
Invited me to sub on her softball tonight (and now I'm on the team- christ!), we have drinks afterwards, get along well, I call her on my drive home. she alludes to messy breakup we talked about over drinks. shot down.