Cooler Master 650 Pro $49.99 after rebate


Senior member
Jan 3, 2008
of course the 750 is a better deal but i got this 650 plus microcenter had a few other good deals in there add so i threw it up there


Senior member
Jan 3, 2008
Im a huge fan of Cooler Master because there products are awsome and they come with great rebates


Aug 2, 2002
I too have bought a ton of CM stuffs and they've all worked well. I've gotten 100% return on all rebates.

This rebate heavy fire sale over the past few months has me wondering - Are Chinese-made toys and toothpaste the only products that have toxins in them???????

Kinda jokin... kinda not

edit - To keep it on topic I'm strongly considering buying this, even though I b!tched in the CM 750 thread linked above about my seesawing surplus between PSUs and cases. When a 80+eff PSU with for the most part good reviews shows up at this price, how can I not get it?


Senior member
Jan 3, 2008
Originally posted by: Maasracer
I too have bought a ton of CM stuffs and they've all worked well. I've gotten 100% return on all rebates.

This rebate heavy fire sale over the past few months has me wondering - Are Chinese-made toys and toothpaste the only products that have toxins in them???????

Kinda jokin... kinda not

edit - To keep it on topic I'm strongly considering buying this, even though I b!tched in the CM 750 thread linked above about my seesawing surplus between PSUs and cases. When a 80+eff PSU with for the most part good reviews shows up at this price, how can I not get it?

Same here i got nothing bad to say about them also. My rebates on the 650 pro and a Centurion 5 case are already processed on the rebate website that PCClub uses and should be sent out to me soon so cant complain.