cool games and stuff to add to the office?

We already have pool, ping pong, fooseball, a race car driving game (two person, sit down style)

Today the boss asked what other cool things we can get.
A full golf simulator is on its way...what other cool stuff can we add?

All i can think of is darts and air hockey.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 1999
If I tell you, will you give me a job there? :)

How about rollercoaster simulator?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
a jukebox, only one that is digital so employees can bring in their own music and it will rip it to flac ogg mp3 whatever and they can play it off a NAS.

Sorry, I tend to think in terms of IT. I suppose a normal jukebox would work too.

Cheerleaders! Mame Cabinet(or a plain old arcade cab). Shuffleboard.

Shuffleboard! Great idea.

There's already a few arcade one plays them though.

As for getting a job there...they're looking for a good sys admin (web server), a couple web developers, a SEO person

there's a few more openings..but i'm not sure what they are

edit: there's a few nerf guns around...and everyone is equipped with ack ack burp guns (


Dec 28, 2004
Strip pole, mirror ball, stage. Add dancers. Lemon party, you bastards.

Originally posted by: yoda291
I'm do you get any work done?

I wondered the same when i started.
But there's a really powerful motivation in such a great work environment.

Kinda along the lines of "man, this place ROCKS...i better get my shi1t done so i can keep my job here"

Its a very relaxed environment.
Vacation hours aren't logged, Daily work hours aren't logged.
Most projects don't have real deadlines.
Tons of fun stuff to do, wear what i want.