I was at the local CompUSA the other week and saw a case there for building pc's that had a MB tray that folded out the hinged side of the case like that of the Apple G3/G4 tower design. It's labled as a tool-less design and has front usb and sound ports. The sku is 276255 and the url to it is http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product%5F
Personally I found the demo model they had open kinda flimsy and unprecisionly manufactured but it's the first case like it I have -ever- seen for the PC in my 3+ years searching since I first saw the blue G3 towers. Has anyone seen any PC case's like this before?
Personally I found the demo model they had open kinda flimsy and unprecisionly manufactured but it's the first case like it I have -ever- seen for the PC in my 3+ years searching since I first saw the blue G3 towers. Has anyone seen any PC case's like this before?