connect flash drive to usb adapter?


Senior member
May 23, 2005
im wondering if they have a device that allows you to connect a memory card like from a camera such as compact flash and the such to a usb adapter so you can use it like a usb flash drive aswell. get it? so its kinda like a two in one. usb flash drive and can use it for your camera. i have a usb pqi card where the memory part comes out and leaves the usb adapter, thats what brought me to the idea.

edit: found something pretty cool
thats awesome, only if they did that for all cards.
but still, there should be some sort of adapter and no, im not talking about those 6 in 1 card readers, something compact so it can turn your camera memory card into a usb flash drive.


Senior member
Aug 24, 2001
office depot carries what you're looking for, can't remember the name brand, but look near camera memory, or just ask ... 4 diff models, one for SD, one for CF, one for MS, one for XD. $9.99 each


Senior member
May 23, 2005
Originally posted by: beverage
office depot carries what you're looking for, can't remember the name brand, but look near camera memory, or just ask ... 4 diff models, one for SD, one for CF, one for MS, one for XD. $9.99 each

awesome thanks, im gonna look. i dont see why anyone wouldnt wanna do this instead of buying usb flash drives only good for computers and not upgradeable. with this, you can put as big as you want, carry lots of card and one usb adapter and have tons of memory.


Senior member
May 23, 2005
i think its still worth it especially for use with a camera card, its much easier then a card reader imo cause you can also use it as a usb drive when you need it.