not nescecarily upgrade it, but i had saved and got 2 pcs, because for most of last summer, my main machine was stuck as the server, so i couldn't tweak it, or have it down if a game crashed it, so I built a second machine, and at first, gamed on that one, then moved the server stuff to the second machine. Then My bro bought home his pc, but he's sooo bad with pc's he crashed our set top dvd player. so his went down the tube, so he started using the server as his primary machine, but he kept messing it up, and since my system has an exact image of the server's set up, and had dual nic's (and I needed stuff from napster, no network drop in my room) so sometimes, when he had really messed up the server, I had to default it back to my main machine
ALso btw, by office, i meant my home office, I work at an office, but also have 2 at home....
Conkers bad fur day, sounds umm interesting. Havn't gotten to play paper mario, or majora's mask yet...