Confusion on KT333 and 333A motherboards - is it worth the wait?


Junior Member
Feb 6, 2002
Hi there,

I know that this may have been covered in previous posts, but I'm confused as to what advantage these motherboards have over the 266A. I posted recently asking if the Epox 8KHA+ KT266A is a good board to purchase and got a great deal of helpful comments on this board (so thanks again guys). I was just about to buy this board when I heard of the KT333 boards. One of these boards released by MSI got a great review and showed significant performance gains over the 266A, in most cases being faster than the Abit KR7A raid. To confuse matters I've heard less then pleasing views in regard to the new speed DDR Ram, suggesting that the 333 boards are just suped up 266A boards that can apparently handle DDR 333. After that I hear that the 333A board is the one to go for.

So here I go with another list of questions.

1) with the imminent release of these boards is it wise to wait for the 333A - however I don't want to be waiting 3-6 months for a board as I was ready to upgrade my computer a month ago.

2) will I see real world performance differences in 3D games for example?

3) is there potential for long term upgradability with the 333A over the 266A. From what I hear the max cpu for both boards is an XP 2000.

Thanks for any comments that'll clear up the confusion.


Feb 19, 2001
thats the thing about pc products, there is always something better right around the corner :)

the kt266a is a great chipset and should last you a good long time if you decide to buy it, but if you want to wait... better stuff is always coming out

when im ready to buy something i just buy the best thats available at that time. ive found if i wait, then the product is delayed, or it doesnt live up to its hype


Golden Member
Sep 8, 2000
If you want to buy now go ahead and get a 266A, not much benefit to the KT333. Possibly the KT333A or what ever they call it, but that's a few months away.
Socket A will last unitl Hammer at year end.
VIA chipset update


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001

<< 1) with the imminent release of these boards is it wise to wait for the 333A - however I don't want to be waiting 3-6 months for a board as I was ready to upgrade my computer a month ago. >>

I think that it is not worth it. The features of KT333A are all in boards already except for AGP8X but that isn't worth taking into account at this time because 8X Cards will be back-compatible and also I'm not even certain that it will be in 333A. Plus......

<< 2) will I see real world performance differences in 3D games for example? >>

Most likely not. DDR333 is useless on the Athlon platform because the Athlon's fsb is allready being maxed out as it is. And Via is definately not going to pull a trick out of their bag like they did with 266A.

<< 3) is there potential for long term upgradability with the 333A over the 266A. From what I hear the max cpu for both boards is an XP 2000. >>

No. AMD has said that T-Bred will be a 266fsb part and thus will be compatible with every Socket A board released that uses KT133A or better.

So, to sum up. Do not wait for KT333A. If you need features like USB2 and ATA/133 go pick up a Dragon+, K7T266 Pro2-RU or similar board.