Computers randomly "disapear" off my network?!?


Senior member
Jan 21, 2005
Okay, I'm starting to really shake my head on this one...

I have three desktops in the house and one laptop. All are connected together on the same network, going through a Linksys 802.11G wireless broadband router (w/4-port switch).

Two of my desktops are connected directly by LAN-wire to the router, and one desktop and the laptop are connected by "Wireless" connection.

A few weeks ago, for no apparent reason at all... my laptop ceased to be recognized on the network... no matter what I did, I couldn't get the laptop up on the network... no network recognition, no internet, no nothing... everything seemed to be working fine on the laptop before, during and after this incident, and nobody had been "messing" with any of the computers in the house.

Anyways, the laptop's network seemed to be out... I uninstalled the wireless card, reinstalled it, moved the laptop all over the house (including right next to the router) and for the life of me, I couldn't get the laptop to be recognized on the network. I finally gave up, thinking I had some sort of hardware failure... then, a few days later, I turned on the laptop, and "magically" it was on the network running just fine and dandy.

About a week after that incident, a similar problem occured on my desktop that is HARD-WIRED to the network! Just like with the laptop, the Network was completely down on this desktop computer. However, this wasn't wireless, it was wired directly to the router! yet it acted like there was no network... once again, nobody had even touched this computer... it was working fine one day, then "magically" didn't work the next... guess what... a few days later... it was working again on the network (without me having done anything).

Now today, my wife tells me HER COMPUTER is not working... sure enough, her computer (which is a desktop with a wireless connection) is not up on the network at all... once again, nobody changed any settings (just me and the wife in the house), yet her computer has completely disappeared from the network (as if it isn't there). Her wireless network card is acting like there is no network to connect to.

For roughly three weeks, I've had three differant computers (two wireless, and one wired) disapear off the network for no reason, wouldn't show back up no matter what I did, and then (at least the first two) "magically" be back on the network a few days later (after having done nothing to 'fix' the problem).

I'm completely at a loss... is it my Linksys Network controller? Is it my computers? It can't be "just a wireless thing" because it's happened to a wired computer too. Any clues as to what is going on and what (if anything) I should do?


Senior member
Jan 21, 2005
No responses?

Well... my third computer in as many weeks that dropped off the network for a day "magically" came back on for no reason.



No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
the only thing I can think of is possibly using homemade cables or something flaky with the router.

Do you even get an IP address. You can check on command prompt with the command ipconfig

if you do then ping your routers IP address with "ping 192.x.x.x" where the x is your router's ip info.


Senior member
Jan 21, 2005
No... no homemade cables or anything I would consider "flaky". Remember, I have FOUR computers all using the same router... two wired and two wireless... the Router itself is ALWAYS working as in at the worst times when one of the computers disappears off the network, the other three are all working just fine and dandy with internet and network abilities being just fine.

I also don't think it's a "wire" issue, because two of the computer that failed were "wireless" and one was hard-wired.

I've also been using the exact-same store-bought wires for the router since I've had it (which has been over two years now)... I've only started to have this problem in the last month or so.

I'm wondering if maybe my Linksys router itself is just starting to act-up or go bad in some way?


Mar 6, 2003
It could be the DHCP server locking up. Have you tried manually assigning IP addresses?

I am getting a similar problem at the moment with my wireless AP and manually assigning the IP address on the wireless laptop solved the problem.

You may find that a newer firmware version for your router might solve the problem.


Elite Member
Dec 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Wolfshanze
I'm wondering if maybe my Linksys router itself is just starting to act-up or go bad in some way?
Given your situation, with good cabling, multiple clients, both wired and wireless connections, and intermittent problems with all of them, a failing router is the most likely reason. WiFi routers are cheap. Try another one. At a minimum, RE-Flash the router's firmware. I've seen failing Linksys routers get "fixed" by flashing their BIOS.


Senior member
Jan 21, 2005
Hmmm... okay... I'll see about flashing it... haven't done that in a while (if it ain't broke, don't fix it)... but I guess it may well be "broke" now, so I'll look into flashing it.


Mar 6, 2003
I agree with RebateMonger - I have come across many Linksys routers with 'buggy' firmware.