Computer won't boot!


Junior Member
Sep 17, 2001
Hi, I recently purchased an ABIT KA7-100 motherboard, Athlon 800 CPU SOCKET A and power supply from a friend. It was all working perfectly fine in his machine but I then transfered it into my case and the computer wouldnt boot. The power would go on and the cpu fans started spinning but the hard drive light wouldnt go on and the monitor wasn't getting a signal. There were no beeps at all.

We tried a number of different things but nothing seemed to fix it. We tried a different power supply, different ram, a different video card, and we did trial and error taking different cards in and out. Also, I tried resetting the CMOS a bunch of times. We even tried a different motherboard with that same processor.

We used a diagram and all the power things were plugged into the correct pins. The only thing we can thing of is that the cpu somehow went bad but we didnt even touch it or take it out of the motherboard when we moved it. Other than that the only other factor I can think of is using a different case but I can't imagine that causing a problem like this.

Does anyone have any thoughts on what could be wrong or anything else i could try? Thanks


Senior member
Aug 22, 2001
well...try switching the CPU. the case wouldnt matter, and if you've switched out all the other components (including Mobo?) then that could be the only thing that you could try. dont think just because you didnt do anything with it, that it could be safe...i've had my fair share of trouble coming from nothing :)


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
First thing I would do is remove all the screws holding down the motherboard. Take out the screws holding in the expansion cards lift the MB up just a little bit and slip a stiff piece of paper under the MB. Try and boot.