Computer won't boot / no beeps or video


Junior Member
Dec 2, 2008
First time poster, long time reader.

About a year ago, I decided to put together my first build:

Abit IP35
Geforce 8800 GTS G92
Corsair HX620
4G supertalent 2x2 gigs RAM
TRUE heatsink

Worked great from the get go.

Last week I purchased a Q9550 e0 stepping and attempted to swap out my old CPU for this one. When I did that, and attempted to boot up the computer, all the lights and fans would turn on (including keyboard light) and spin, however I would get no video out of monitor. The computer also wouldn't beep or anything, it just hangs there.

I swapped my old CPU back in and it booted right up. I flashed to the latest bios available on the ABIT website (version 18) then put in the new CPU. No change.

I read a bit that the Abit ip35 and some other Abit mobos have had some capatibility issues with e0 stepping CPUs - however the abit website claims that the Q9550 is compatible. I found some beta drivers for the mobo posted here:

Popped in the old CPU and flashed to this bios, put the new CPU in, and no change. I have tried clearing the CMOS multiple times, taking out the battery, etc. I've taken the mobo out of the case and ran it barebones with just the RAM and videocard. Still no change.

Any help would be greatly appreciate. Thank you!


Old Hippie

Diamond Member
Oct 8, 2005
however the abit website claims that the Q9550 is compatible.

It's hit or miss with most people being miss, including you.

Now that Abit is out of the MB business, they'll never be an updated BIOS.



Junior Member
Dec 2, 2008
Thanks for the reply

So you think compatibility issues? I had assumed it was either that, or the CPU was DOA. I had tried to research dead CPU symptoms and mine seem to fit them. Is it possible that the CPU is just dead and an RMA would fix the issue?


Junior Member
Dec 2, 2008
Bought it from Fry's (they had that bundle deal for 229 for the Q9550 and a cheap mobo).

I thought the symptoms also sounded like a DOA chip...But I'm a newbie.

Old Hippie

Diamond Member
Oct 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Devan
Bought it from Fry's (they had that bundle deal for 229 for the Q9550 and a cheap mobo).

I thought the symptoms also sounded like a DOA chip...But I'm a newbie.

Put the basics in your new MB and power it up.

That should put your qualms to rest about the chip.