Computer Tools Kits


Junior Member
May 10, 2011
building a new PC and need to reup on some small screw drivers and what not. I actually wouldnt mind buying a tool kit but I want something of nice quality. All the tool kits on Newegg and Amazon seem cheap and I cant figure out if there are any manufacturers out there making solid tool kits.

Does anyone have any recommendations for Computer PC tool kits or general EE tools kits that should work well for PCs. (high quality build is important to me).

Thank you!!


Platinum Member
Dec 28, 2007
I still use a cheap PC toolkit I got for practically free (after rebate) from a black friday sale years ago. That's really enough for the most part.

The only thing you might want in particular is a decently large Phillips screwdriver for installing case fans. I'm not sure if many PC toolkits will include that, but mine only had a small one meant for smaller screws, like those used for holding the mobo and HDDs. I ended up striping quite a number of case fan screws before I finally gave up and got a larger Phillips screwdriver.


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
If you want good tools, you usually aren't going to find them in a cheap "kit."

Start with a good quality #2 Philips screwdriver. My preference is one with a long shaft and magnetic head. In fact, this is what I currently use, purchased from my local Menards for a few bucks. It is inexpensive, but of reasonable quality.

I can do about 90% of a PC build with just that screwdriver. Other common tools are a nutdriver or pliers for the brass motherboard standoffs (always snug them down) and some diagonal cutters for cable ties.

That's it for a normal PC build.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2000
Klein or Snapon #2 Philips. Magnetize the head, if it doesn't come that way.
A decent multitool (Leatherman, SOG, and Victorinox all make good stuff, IMO).

That will handle everything but laptops and Macs. Multitools may not be the best at everything they can do, but they are convenient enough to make up for it, IMO. OTOH, they may not be worth it, if you can't find other uses for them.


Elite Member
Jan 17, 2010
Yep, #2 Phillips will do 95% of what you need. A magnetic head is really nice to have sometimes. Other useful tools are needlenose pliers and/or tweezers to attach some of the more fiddly cables (if you have large hands).

Also, zip ties. Lots of zip ties.