computer just shut off, now it wont re start


Jan 25, 2001
i am running my second computer an K6 2 3D now 550mhz on an epox MVP 3G5 motherboard. i am running win 98 SE and Win 2k Pro. i have a 250 w power supply. 256mb ram. 2 western digital 30gb hds. and 1 western digital 10gb hard drive. and a 50x cd rom. i was downloading a program last nite and i got a windows protection error. you must re start your computer , so i did . when i restarted it, it acted like it was going to start and then it completely shut itself down. i took it apart and found nothing wron with it as far as cracks on the motherboard or burn marks. i then took apart the power supply and found the fuse was burnt out. i had the power supply exchanged at the place i bought the case and when i put it back together it still doesnt want to start up. ive tried the switch on the power supply and different outlets and a different surge protector an d it still wont start. i havent made any new upgrades to it with the exception of installing Win 2k pro a few nights ago. does anybody have an idea of what is wrong? should i take it in to a shop and have them look at it?


Elite Member
Jul 26, 2000
similar thing happened to me... turned out the PSU was dead (as in, had to be replaced), along with my athlon 700. lucky for me, it was under warranty so I had to pay just $10 one-way shipping.


Senior member
Apr 21, 2000
read what he posted, the P/S was replaced already, if I am reading it right.

what this indicates (blown fuse), is that you have a short somewhere in your system.

nasty problem to find. i had an older 233 M/B that shorted in the box, but ran fine out of the box. three daze later i discovered one of the hold down screws was shorting cause it had a bigger than usual head. solved problem post haste with another smaller headed screw.

good luck
