i am running my second computer an K6 2 3D now 550mhz on an epox MVP 3G5 motherboard. i am running win 98 SE and Win 2k Pro. i have a 250 w power supply. 256mb ram. 2 western digital 30gb hds. and 1 western digital 10gb hard drive. and a 50x cd rom. i was downloading a program last nite and i got a windows protection error. you must re start your computer , so i did . when i restarted it, it acted like it was going to start and then it completely shut itself down. i took it apart and found nothing wron with it as far as cracks on the motherboard or burn marks. i then took apart the power supply and found the fuse was burnt out. i had the power supply exchanged at the place i bought the case and when i put it back together it still doesnt want to start up. ive tried the switch on the power supply and different outlets and a different surge protector an d it still wont start. i havent made any new upgrades to it with the exception of installing Win 2k pro a few nights ago. does anybody have an idea of what is wrong? should i take it in to a shop and have them look at it?