- Oct 23, 2000
- 9,200
- 765
- 126
Project Status: Closed due to lack of interest/funding
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: 3x+1@home is a distributed non-profit project trying to find 3x+1 conjecture stopping time records. The 3x+1 conjecture is also known as Collatz conjecture.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create in the client.
Project Description: Search for so-called abc-triples. These abc-triples are positive integers a,b,c such that a+b=c, a < b < c, a,b,c have no common divisors and c > rad(abc), the so-called radical of abc.
ABC@Home Beta
Project Status: Unknown. Site is down.
Team Name: None
Account Creation: Site is down.
Project Description: Permanent (?) beta testing for the ABC@Home project.
Project Status: Site is down. Project is closed.
Team Name: none?
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: An effort to conduct scientific experiments regarding neural networks and evolution.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Anansi is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to explore web resources around the world. Basically we want to do an evaluation regarding accuracy and performance on a distributed web crawler.
Project Status: Closed beta testing.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Not open yet.
Project Description: Research atmospheric dispersion as it relates to the accuracy of climate prediction.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: Team AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: D-Wave's AQUA (Adiabatic QUantum Algorithms) is a research project whose goal is to predict the performance of super conducting adiabatic quantum computers on a variety of hard problems arising in fields ranging from materials science to machine learning.
BBC Climate Change
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: Long term climate change project sponsored by the BBC.
Belgian Beer@Home
Project Status: Project closed. Site is offline.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation closed.
Project Description: This project is not intended for any science whatsoever. The project is an effort of people from the BOINC.BE team. The idea of our own BOINC project comes up from time to time in our discussions, no doubt under the influence of that delicious blond or brown liquid: Belgian beer.
Project Status: Front page says the link to attach is http://lxbifi14.bifi.unizar.es/sgah/ but the site is down.
Team Name: none?
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Performs calculations which contribute to the research done at the Intitute of Biocomputing and Physics of Complex Systems at the University of Zaragoza (BIFI).
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: ?
BOINC alpha test
Project Status: Closed alpha.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: To join the project you have to apply by email on the site.
Project Description: This project is for testing new versions of the BOINC software.
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: none?
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: A study of how environment and evolution affects natural biological resistances.
BraTS@home Gravitational Lensing
Project Status: Beta testing Linux client. Alpha testing Windows client.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Requires invitation code. Request code through project forums.
Project Description: Gravitational ray trace imaging.
Break the Forum
Project Status: Test project. Account creation disabled.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: Project is just a test of forum code for use with BOINC projects.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client
Project Description: Development of a publicly distributed system for rendering 3D animations.
Cels@Home (new)
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Research in cell adhesion. One of the many applications of this is in cancer research, as the point at which cancerous cells quit staying in place, and instead break free to move throughout the body, is a critical event that makes the disease much harder to treat.
Cels@home (old)
Project Status: Alpha project is closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation closed.
Project Description: Alpha testing project for Cels@Home (new)
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation closed.
Project Description: Create potential play strategies for the Chess960 variation of chess, where the pieces are placed randomly on the board at the beginning of each game.
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: AnandTech
Account Creation: Instructions
Project Description: Study how chromosomes in human DNA interact with each other and how that interaction affects the way the human immune system reacts to disease.
Climate Prediction
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create in the client.
Project Description: Attempt to produce a forecast of the climate in the 21st century.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account creation: Create in the client.
Project Description: The goal of Cosmology@Home is to search for the model that best describes our Universe and to find the range of models that agree with the available astronomical and particle physics data.
CPDN Alpha
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: Alpha test for the Climate Prediction project.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client
Project Description: Beta test for the Climate Prediction project.
CPDN Seasonal Attribution
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Determine the extent to which extreme weather events are attributable to human-induced climate change.
Crash Collection
Project Status: Project closed. Site is down.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Site is down.
Project Description: Gather crash results data for Windows operating systems.
Cunning Plan (Project XXX) (Test Project)
Project Status: Site down. Project closed?
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: This project is being used to test account creation. No new work available currently.
DECS (Distributed Exact Cover Solver)
Project Status: Project closed. Site is down.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Exact cover is a general type of problem which can be used to solve problems including, but not limited to, n-queens, Latin Square puzzles, Sudoku, polyomino tiling, set packing and set partitioning.
DepSpid (Dependency Spider) Alternate address is http://depspid.bjoernhenke.de
Project Status: Site is down. Project closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Create a database of web servers and calculate the dependencies between various servers on different domains.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: The goal of FreeRainbowTables.com is to prove the insecurity of using simple hash routines to protect valuable passwords, and force developers to use more secure methods.
Project Status: Open for processing
Team Name:TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Explore the multi-scale nature of algorithmic adaptations in protein-ligand docking and develop cyber infrastructures based on computational methods and models that efficiently accommodate these adaptations.
ECDLP Project
Project Status: Unknown. Site is down. Last reported in alpha status.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Site is down.
Project Description: Study elliptic curve cryptosystem.
Project Status: Open for processing
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: EDGeS is a European project with the aim of creating an integrated Grid infrastructure that seamlessly integrates a variety of Desktop Grids with EGEE type of service Grids. The project currently hosts the ISDEP - Integrator of Stochastic Differential Equations in Plasmas - application.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Search for spinning neutron stars (also called pulsars) using data from the LIGO and GEO gravitational wave detectors.
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
WU Processing Time: n/a
WU Expiration Time: n/a
Project Description: Use distributed computing to render a short CGI animated film.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Enigma@Home is a wrapper between BOINC and Stefan Krah's M4 Project. 'The M4 Project is an effort to break 3 original Enigma messages with the help of distributed computing. The signals were intercepted in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken.
Project Status: Pre-alpha testing.
Team Name: None yet.
Account Creation: Account creation closed. Pre-register using the Participation link at the top of the page.
Project Description: Attempt to create a viable distributed statistics calculation for BOINC and develop a common framework for establishing and running short term distributed computing projects fast and easy, and host such projects.
Project Status: Site down. Project likely abandoned.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: Attempt to solve the Eternity2? puzzle.
Project Status: Site is down. Project abandoned?
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: unknown
Project Status: Project closed. Merged with World Community Grid (WCG).
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: Research new drugs and treatments for AIDS patients.
Project Status: Not open for BOINC processing yet. Possibly abandoned.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Not open for BOINC processing yet.
Project Description: Process simulations of how proteins, RNA, and nanoscale synthetic polymers fold.
Project Status: Open beta testing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: FreeHAL@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to parse and convert big open source semantic nets for use in FreeHAL, an artificial intelligence that uses semantic networks, stemmers, part of speech databases, and part of speech taggers, in order to imitate a very close human behavior within conversations.
Project Status: Project is closed. GAMESS is a commercial (freeware?) application now.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: n/a
Genetic Life
Project Status: Open beta testing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Genetic Life is based in the UK and is currently investigating the evolution of systems based upon simple sets of instructions.
Project Status: Open for processing (As of 9/30/2009, no new work available until the project has a “better goal”.)
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: (quoted from the site) ?Currently Gerasim@home Has No goals. Scientists want to see full working system and waiting, when development ends. When Gerasim officially starts, science info will be placed to the project main page.?
GPUGrid.net (previously PS3Grid)
Project Status: Open for processing. Must have a newer Nvidia graphics card, or Linux installed on a Playstation3.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create in client.
Project Description: The GPUgrid.net project is a distributed computing initiative based on the use of the PlayStation3 and Nvidia graphics cards for biomolecular simulations using a full-atom molecular dynamics code (CellMD) optimized to run on the Cell processor in the PS3.
Harvard Clean Energy Project
Project Status: Alpha testing
Team Name: none yet
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: The Clean Energy project uses computational chemistry and the willingness of people to help look for the best molecules possible for: organic photovoltaics to provide inexpensive solar cells, polymers for the membranes used in fuel cells for electricity generation, and how best to assemble the molecules to make those devices. By helping us search combinatorially among thousands of potential systems, you can contribute to this effort.
Project Status: Project closed. Site is down.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Site is down.
Project Description: Clarify the nature of the vulnerabilities in applications of MD5 encryption.
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: n/a
Project Status: Open beta testing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Research improved methods of hydrogen production.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Ibercivis is a project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in multiple studies from Spanish scientists.
Project Status: Unknown. No info on the site.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: Distributed animation rendering. Similar to BURP.
Intelligence Realm (Artificial Intelligence System)
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Reverse engineer the way the human brain works in order to create an artificial intelligence system.
Leiden Classical
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Desktop Computer Grid dedicated to general Classical Dynamics for use by any scientist or science student.
LHC Experimental
Project Status: Closed alpha.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: Alpha test for the LHC project.
Project Status: Open for processing. (rarely has work available)
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client
Project Description: Simulates particles traveling around the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) to study the stability of their orbits. When constructed, the LHC will replace the CERN laboratory's LEP (Large Electron Positron Collider).
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Magnetism@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to explore the equlibrium, metastable and transient magnetization patterns (first and foremost in nano-scale magnetic elements and their arrays, but later other systems may be considered).
Malaria Control Beta
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Simulation models of the transmission dynamics and health effects of malaria to determine optimal strategies for delivering mosquito nets, chemotherapy, or new vaccines which are currently under development and testing for the control of malaria.
Project Status: Open for processing
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Research in modeling and determining the evolution of the Milky Way galaxy.
Project Status: Open beta testing
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create in client.
Project Description: Beta testing for the MindModeling@Home project.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Research focuses on utilizing computational cognitive process modeling to better understand the human mind.
Project Status: Project closed.
Team Name: Nano-Hive@Home
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: Accurately simulate nanosystems too large to be calculated via normal means, and thereby enable further scientific study in the field of nanotechnology.
Project Status: Project closed
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation closed.
Project Description:
Nagrzewanie Stali@Home
Project Status: Project closed
Team Name: None
Account Creation: Account creation closed.
Project Description:
NCSSM Grid Computing Project
Project Status: Closed alpha testing
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation closed.
Project Description: no description on the site
Project Status: Open for processing
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: NFS@Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do the lattice sieving step in the Number Field Sieve factorization of large integers.
NNSIMU Project
Project Status: Unknown. No info on site.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation closed.
Project Description. Unknown. No info on site.
NQueens Project
Project Status: Site down. Project closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Attempt to solve the n Queens puzzle, placing n number of Queens on a chessboard the size of nxn such that no queen can attack any other queen.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Simulate orbits and interactions of near-Earth objects such as asteroids and comets when they come within close range of the Earth and the Moon.
Project Status: Not open yet.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Not open yet.
Project Description: ?
PicEvolvr.com Boinc
Project Status: Open beta testing
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Picevolvr.com is a project that uses Internet-connected computers to generate artwork completely automatically. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. Picevolr is a project from http://www.cullen-online.com. This is a branch of the picevolvr.com project.
Project Status: Open for processing. (Slow/intermittent work available)
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create in the client.
Project Description: Pirates@Home is currently being used to test BOINC forum software for possible use by another project, Interactions in Understanding the Universe. At present Pirates@Home is not doing any real scientific computation, we are just having 'fun' with BOINC.
Project Status: Project appears to be closed
Team Name: none yet
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: Have fun eating pizza.
Project Status: Possibly abandoned. Last site update was May 31, 2005.
Team Name: None
Account Creation: Not open yet.
Project Description: Attempt to use "optical SETI" analysis of photographic images of space to find and categorize previously unknown stellar objects.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Predict the biologically active structure of proteins. Understand the signal-processing mechanisms when the proteins interact with one another. Understand diseases related to protein malfunction or aggregation. Develop new drugs on the basis of the three-dimensions structure of biologically important proteins.
pPot Tables
Project Status: Site is down. Project closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: pPot Tables is computing relative handstrength and 1-card lookahead positive potential for all possible flop, turn and hole card combinations for 2 to 10 players in Texas Hold'em.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Project Description: Testing and evaluating new algorithms and methods of protein structure prediction.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create in the client.
Project Description: PrimeGrid is generating a public prime number database and is using it to factorize the number in the RSA Factoring Challenge, and also testing PerlBOINC.
Project Neuron
Project Status: Closed pre-Alpha testing. Possibly abandoned. Open Alpha was planned for September 2006.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation closed.
Project Description: Record, observe and understand BOINC activity and data with a view to developing metrics that will determine the quality/reliability/dependability of particular BOINC projects.
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: n/a
Project Status: Project closed. Beta testing phase 2 ended 5/29/2008. Phase 3 cancelled/postponed indefinitely.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: Predict protein structure and function, for understanding protein evolution, and for designing new proteins.
QCN Alpha Test
Project Status: Open for processing. (only for new laptops with a built-in accelerometer)
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: The Quake Catcher Network (QCN) is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research, education, and outreach in seismology. Currently only MAC OS X, PPC, and Intel laptops with a built-in accelerometer are supported.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create in the client.
Project Description: A project designed to develop the Quantum Monte Carlo calculation method for general use in Quantum Chemistry.
Project Status: Open for Processing Alpha test project. Limited work available.
Team Name: TeAm Anandtech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Alpha test for the Rosetta@Home project.
Project Status: Site is down. Project closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Ramsey@Home is a distributed computing project designed to find new lower bounds for various Ramsey Numbers using a host of different techniques.
Rectilinear Crossing Number
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Determine least number of crossings a straight-edge drawing of the complete graph on top of a set of n points in the plane obtains? (i.e. If there are a specific number of points on a graph, and straight lines are drawn between all of the points, what arrangement of the points will provide the lowest number of crossed lines?)
Project Status: Project closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project closed
Project Description: Use distributed computing to render complex POV-ray animations.
Resource Measurement
Project Status: Site is down. Project closed.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Measure system resources available for distributed/grid computing.
Project Status: Project closed. (Temporarily closed for development of new application as of 1/8/2009.)
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: Reversi is a project that uses Internet-connected computers to find out Ultra-weak encryption solution.
Riesel Sieve
Project Status: Project closed. (Project was shut down for a server move August 2008 and never came back online.)
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: Implement the prime testing software used by the Riesel Sieve Project under the BOINC system. The project's goal is to prove that 509203 is the smallest odd k where for every n >= 1, k*2^n-1 is composite.
Project Status: Open for processing for Linux users. (Others can attach but won?t get work)
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Radio Network Design (RND) is a telecommunication problem which consists of covering a geographic area with radio signal using the fewer number of transmitters that cover the maximum area.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Determine the 3-dimensional shapes of proteins in research that may ultimately lead to finding cures for diseases such as HIV, Malaria, Cancer, and Alzheimer's.
Project Status: Closed beta testing.
Account Creation: Account creation closed as of June 20, 2007.
Project Description: Increase public access to nationally significant scientific literature. Enhance the usefulness of digitized materials by creating a Web repository of scanned literature, keywords, and online resources with tools for searching and analysis. Create an educational tool for learning about plant life.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).
Seti@Home Beta
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Beta test for the Seti@Home project.
SHA-1 Collision Search Graz
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Research in cryptanalysis, testing NSA encryption hash SHA-1.
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: Unknown. Site is in Russian. Babelfish can translate it.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm Anandtech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Create a public database of pre-calculated protein similarities for use in many bioinformatics methods and studies.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm Anandtech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Study statistical computations for Spin dynamics to determine methods of making molecular magnetic materials for Nano technology.
Project Status: Site is down. Project abandoned?
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Site is down.
Project Description: Study arc welding techniques and technology.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Search for the smallest possible start configuration of Sudoku.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create in client.
Project Description: Find disease-provoking genes causing some types of diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer, schizophrenia and many others.
SZTAKI Desktop Grid
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Search for generalized binary number systems.
SZTAKI Desktop Grid Research Facility
Project Status: Closed alpha testing
Team Name: none
Account Creation: By invitation only.
Project Description: Test & research facility for SZTAKI Desktop Grid.
TANPAKU (English version of the site is here.)
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Japanese protein prediction project. Similar science and goals to Rosetta@home.
The Lattice Project
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Development of a computing grid for scientists to use to conduct large scale research calculations
Project Status: Not open yet. Update on 4/26/2006 says the project is suspended due to lack of interest.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Not open yet.
WU Processing Time: n/a
WU Expiration Time: n/a
Project Description: Uses Internet-connected computers in the translation of books into languages that would not be economically viable to translate manually.
Traveling Salesman Problem
Project Status: Project closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: Proof of concept project. Determine the most efficient way for a traveling salesman to visit the capital cities of all 48 continental United States.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Simulation of two-phase fluid behavior in microgravity and microfluidics problems to design better satellite propellant management devices and address two-phase flow in microchannel and MEMS devices.
UCT: malariacontrol.net
Project Status: Open beta testing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: The UCT : malariacontrol.net project is a test project in collaboration with MalariaControl.net in Switzerland that aims to test the correct operation of our server for future BOINC-based projects.
UH Second Computing
Project Status: Open beta testing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Simulate macromolecular interactions in a living cell. Using multi-scaled models we are assessing meaningful biopolymer dynamics that spans several orders of magnitude in time and space.
Virtual Prairie
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Understanding clonal Strategies in complex ecological systems: from individual plant behavior to multispecies interactions through a Virtual reconstitution of a Prairie (ViP project).
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: The aim of the project is to count the quantity of prime numbers in a large interval. The worst possible known algorithm is used in order to utilize lot of computing hours and many work units to test the BOINC system and study the client API.
WEP-M+2 Project (Wanless)
Project Status: Open for processing. (Linux and MAC clients only)
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: WEP-M+2 is based at London, UK, and is currently investigating factorization of Mersenneplustwo numbers.
World Community Grid
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on the site.
Project Description: Runs the FightAids project to find better treatments for AIDS patients, the Help Defeat Cancer Project, and the Human Proteome Folding project to predict the shape and folding characteristics of human proteins.
Project Status: Project is closed until further notice. Note on the site says that they will still export stats for the tracking sites to monitor and they may re-open the project at a future date.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation is closed.
Project Description: Measure resources available on personal computers involved in grid computing to improve computing efficiency.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: BOINC wrapper for the distributed.net project running OGR work units.
Zebra RSA Bruteforce
Project Status: Project closed.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: project closed
Project Description: Attempt to break the encryption key for RSA SmartCards so that the key can be used to install new applications on the smart card.
Zivis Superordenador Ciudadano (Zivis Citizens? Supercomputer)
Project Status: Project closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: In collaboration with the Institute of Biocomputation and Physics at the University of Zaragoza and the National Laboratory of Fusion of the CIEMAT, the project ZIVIS is the creation of a platform of Super Computation based on the union of computer science equipment at the university and home computers owned by the citizens of Zaragoza.
11/10/2009: Updated formatting for vBulletin forums. Removed all of the old update notes and processing times for my old CPU since they were irrelevant and vBulletin said that the post was too long. Updated a lot of old projects (I didn't make a list, sorry) to show their closed status. Added Anansi, EDGeS@Home, NFS@Home, and PicEvolvr.com.
Project Status: Closed due to lack of interest/funding
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: 3x+1@home is a distributed non-profit project trying to find 3x+1 conjecture stopping time records. The 3x+1 conjecture is also known as Collatz conjecture.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create in the client.
Project Description: Search for so-called abc-triples. These abc-triples are positive integers a,b,c such that a+b=c, a < b < c, a,b,c have no common divisors and c > rad(abc), the so-called radical of abc.
ABC@Home Beta
Project Status: Unknown. Site is down.
Team Name: None
Account Creation: Site is down.
Project Description: Permanent (?) beta testing for the ABC@Home project.
Project Status: Site is down. Project is closed.
Team Name: none?
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: An effort to conduct scientific experiments regarding neural networks and evolution.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Anansi is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to explore web resources around the world. Basically we want to do an evaluation regarding accuracy and performance on a distributed web crawler.
Project Status: Closed beta testing.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Not open yet.
Project Description: Research atmospheric dispersion as it relates to the accuracy of climate prediction.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: Team AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: D-Wave's AQUA (Adiabatic QUantum Algorithms) is a research project whose goal is to predict the performance of super conducting adiabatic quantum computers on a variety of hard problems arising in fields ranging from materials science to machine learning.
BBC Climate Change
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: Long term climate change project sponsored by the BBC.
Belgian Beer@Home
Project Status: Project closed. Site is offline.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation closed.
Project Description: This project is not intended for any science whatsoever. The project is an effort of people from the BOINC.BE team. The idea of our own BOINC project comes up from time to time in our discussions, no doubt under the influence of that delicious blond or brown liquid: Belgian beer.
Project Status: Front page says the link to attach is http://lxbifi14.bifi.unizar.es/sgah/ but the site is down.
Team Name: none?
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Performs calculations which contribute to the research done at the Intitute of Biocomputing and Physics of Complex Systems at the University of Zaragoza (BIFI).
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: ?
BOINC alpha test
Project Status: Closed alpha.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: To join the project you have to apply by email on the site.
Project Description: This project is for testing new versions of the BOINC software.
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: none?
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: A study of how environment and evolution affects natural biological resistances.
BraTS@home Gravitational Lensing
Project Status: Beta testing Linux client. Alpha testing Windows client.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Requires invitation code. Request code through project forums.
Project Description: Gravitational ray trace imaging.
Break the Forum
Project Status: Test project. Account creation disabled.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: Project is just a test of forum code for use with BOINC projects.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client
Project Description: Development of a publicly distributed system for rendering 3D animations.
Cels@Home (new)
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Research in cell adhesion. One of the many applications of this is in cancer research, as the point at which cancerous cells quit staying in place, and instead break free to move throughout the body, is a critical event that makes the disease much harder to treat.
Cels@home (old)
Project Status: Alpha project is closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation closed.
Project Description: Alpha testing project for Cels@Home (new)
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation closed.
Project Description: Create potential play strategies for the Chess960 variation of chess, where the pieces are placed randomly on the board at the beginning of each game.
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: AnandTech
Account Creation: Instructions
Project Description: Study how chromosomes in human DNA interact with each other and how that interaction affects the way the human immune system reacts to disease.
Climate Prediction
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create in the client.
Project Description: Attempt to produce a forecast of the climate in the 21st century.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account creation: Create in the client.
Project Description: The goal of Cosmology@Home is to search for the model that best describes our Universe and to find the range of models that agree with the available astronomical and particle physics data.
CPDN Alpha
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: Alpha test for the Climate Prediction project.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client
Project Description: Beta test for the Climate Prediction project.
CPDN Seasonal Attribution
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Determine the extent to which extreme weather events are attributable to human-induced climate change.
Crash Collection
Project Status: Project closed. Site is down.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Site is down.
Project Description: Gather crash results data for Windows operating systems.
Cunning Plan (Project XXX) (Test Project)
Project Status: Site down. Project closed?
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: This project is being used to test account creation. No new work available currently.
DECS (Distributed Exact Cover Solver)
Project Status: Project closed. Site is down.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Exact cover is a general type of problem which can be used to solve problems including, but not limited to, n-queens, Latin Square puzzles, Sudoku, polyomino tiling, set packing and set partitioning.
DepSpid (Dependency Spider) Alternate address is http://depspid.bjoernhenke.de
Project Status: Site is down. Project closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Create a database of web servers and calculate the dependencies between various servers on different domains.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: The goal of FreeRainbowTables.com is to prove the insecurity of using simple hash routines to protect valuable passwords, and force developers to use more secure methods.
Project Status: Open for processing
Team Name:TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Explore the multi-scale nature of algorithmic adaptations in protein-ligand docking and develop cyber infrastructures based on computational methods and models that efficiently accommodate these adaptations.
ECDLP Project
Project Status: Unknown. Site is down. Last reported in alpha status.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Site is down.
Project Description: Study elliptic curve cryptosystem.
Project Status: Open for processing
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: EDGeS is a European project with the aim of creating an integrated Grid infrastructure that seamlessly integrates a variety of Desktop Grids with EGEE type of service Grids. The project currently hosts the ISDEP - Integrator of Stochastic Differential Equations in Plasmas - application.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Search for spinning neutron stars (also called pulsars) using data from the LIGO and GEO gravitational wave detectors.
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
WU Processing Time: n/a
WU Expiration Time: n/a
Project Description: Use distributed computing to render a short CGI animated film.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Enigma@Home is a wrapper between BOINC and Stefan Krah's M4 Project. 'The M4 Project is an effort to break 3 original Enigma messages with the help of distributed computing. The signals were intercepted in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken.
Project Status: Pre-alpha testing.
Team Name: None yet.
Account Creation: Account creation closed. Pre-register using the Participation link at the top of the page.
Project Description: Attempt to create a viable distributed statistics calculation for BOINC and develop a common framework for establishing and running short term distributed computing projects fast and easy, and host such projects.
Project Status: Site down. Project likely abandoned.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: Attempt to solve the Eternity2? puzzle.
Project Status: Site is down. Project abandoned?
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: unknown
Project Status: Project closed. Merged with World Community Grid (WCG).
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: Research new drugs and treatments for AIDS patients.
Project Status: Not open for BOINC processing yet. Possibly abandoned.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Not open for BOINC processing yet.
Project Description: Process simulations of how proteins, RNA, and nanoscale synthetic polymers fold.
Project Status: Open beta testing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: FreeHAL@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to parse and convert big open source semantic nets for use in FreeHAL, an artificial intelligence that uses semantic networks, stemmers, part of speech databases, and part of speech taggers, in order to imitate a very close human behavior within conversations.
Project Status: Project is closed. GAMESS is a commercial (freeware?) application now.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: n/a
Genetic Life
Project Status: Open beta testing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Genetic Life is based in the UK and is currently investigating the evolution of systems based upon simple sets of instructions.
Project Status: Open for processing (As of 9/30/2009, no new work available until the project has a “better goal”.)
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: (quoted from the site) ?Currently Gerasim@home Has No goals. Scientists want to see full working system and waiting, when development ends. When Gerasim officially starts, science info will be placed to the project main page.?
GPUGrid.net (previously PS3Grid)
Project Status: Open for processing. Must have a newer Nvidia graphics card, or Linux installed on a Playstation3.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create in client.
Project Description: The GPUgrid.net project is a distributed computing initiative based on the use of the PlayStation3 and Nvidia graphics cards for biomolecular simulations using a full-atom molecular dynamics code (CellMD) optimized to run on the Cell processor in the PS3.
Harvard Clean Energy Project
Project Status: Alpha testing
Team Name: none yet
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: The Clean Energy project uses computational chemistry and the willingness of people to help look for the best molecules possible for: organic photovoltaics to provide inexpensive solar cells, polymers for the membranes used in fuel cells for electricity generation, and how best to assemble the molecules to make those devices. By helping us search combinatorially among thousands of potential systems, you can contribute to this effort.
Project Status: Project closed. Site is down.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Site is down.
Project Description: Clarify the nature of the vulnerabilities in applications of MD5 encryption.
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: n/a
Project Status: Open beta testing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Research improved methods of hydrogen production.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Ibercivis is a project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in multiple studies from Spanish scientists.
Project Status: Unknown. No info on the site.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: Distributed animation rendering. Similar to BURP.
Intelligence Realm (Artificial Intelligence System)
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Reverse engineer the way the human brain works in order to create an artificial intelligence system.
Leiden Classical
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Desktop Computer Grid dedicated to general Classical Dynamics for use by any scientist or science student.
LHC Experimental
Project Status: Closed alpha.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: Alpha test for the LHC project.
Project Status: Open for processing. (rarely has work available)
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client
Project Description: Simulates particles traveling around the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) to study the stability of their orbits. When constructed, the LHC will replace the CERN laboratory's LEP (Large Electron Positron Collider).
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Magnetism@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to explore the equlibrium, metastable and transient magnetization patterns (first and foremost in nano-scale magnetic elements and their arrays, but later other systems may be considered).
Malaria Control Beta
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Simulation models of the transmission dynamics and health effects of malaria to determine optimal strategies for delivering mosquito nets, chemotherapy, or new vaccines which are currently under development and testing for the control of malaria.
Project Status: Open for processing
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Research in modeling and determining the evolution of the Milky Way galaxy.
Project Status: Open beta testing
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create in client.
Project Description: Beta testing for the MindModeling@Home project.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Research focuses on utilizing computational cognitive process modeling to better understand the human mind.
Project Status: Project closed.
Team Name: Nano-Hive@Home
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: Accurately simulate nanosystems too large to be calculated via normal means, and thereby enable further scientific study in the field of nanotechnology.
Project Status: Project closed
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation closed.
Project Description:
Nagrzewanie Stali@Home
Project Status: Project closed
Team Name: None
Account Creation: Account creation closed.
Project Description:
NCSSM Grid Computing Project
Project Status: Closed alpha testing
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation closed.
Project Description: no description on the site
Project Status: Open for processing
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: NFS@Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do the lattice sieving step in the Number Field Sieve factorization of large integers.
NNSIMU Project
Project Status: Unknown. No info on site.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation closed.
Project Description. Unknown. No info on site.
NQueens Project
Project Status: Site down. Project closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Attempt to solve the n Queens puzzle, placing n number of Queens on a chessboard the size of nxn such that no queen can attack any other queen.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Simulate orbits and interactions of near-Earth objects such as asteroids and comets when they come within close range of the Earth and the Moon.
Project Status: Not open yet.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Not open yet.
Project Description: ?
PicEvolvr.com Boinc
Project Status: Open beta testing
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Picevolvr.com is a project that uses Internet-connected computers to generate artwork completely automatically. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. Picevolr is a project from http://www.cullen-online.com. This is a branch of the picevolvr.com project.
Project Status: Open for processing. (Slow/intermittent work available)
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create in the client.
Project Description: Pirates@Home is currently being used to test BOINC forum software for possible use by another project, Interactions in Understanding the Universe. At present Pirates@Home is not doing any real scientific computation, we are just having 'fun' with BOINC.
Project Status: Project appears to be closed
Team Name: none yet
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: Have fun eating pizza.
Project Status: Possibly abandoned. Last site update was May 31, 2005.
Team Name: None
Account Creation: Not open yet.
Project Description: Attempt to use "optical SETI" analysis of photographic images of space to find and categorize previously unknown stellar objects.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Predict the biologically active structure of proteins. Understand the signal-processing mechanisms when the proteins interact with one another. Understand diseases related to protein malfunction or aggregation. Develop new drugs on the basis of the three-dimensions structure of biologically important proteins.
pPot Tables
Project Status: Site is down. Project closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: pPot Tables is computing relative handstrength and 1-card lookahead positive potential for all possible flop, turn and hole card combinations for 2 to 10 players in Texas Hold'em.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Project Description: Testing and evaluating new algorithms and methods of protein structure prediction.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create in the client.
Project Description: PrimeGrid is generating a public prime number database and is using it to factorize the number in the RSA Factoring Challenge, and also testing PerlBOINC.
Project Neuron
Project Status: Closed pre-Alpha testing. Possibly abandoned. Open Alpha was planned for September 2006.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation closed.
Project Description: Record, observe and understand BOINC activity and data with a view to developing metrics that will determine the quality/reliability/dependability of particular BOINC projects.
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: n/a
Project Status: Project closed. Beta testing phase 2 ended 5/29/2008. Phase 3 cancelled/postponed indefinitely.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: Predict protein structure and function, for understanding protein evolution, and for designing new proteins.
QCN Alpha Test
Project Status: Open for processing. (only for new laptops with a built-in accelerometer)
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: The Quake Catcher Network (QCN) is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research, education, and outreach in seismology. Currently only MAC OS X, PPC, and Intel laptops with a built-in accelerometer are supported.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create in the client.
Project Description: A project designed to develop the Quantum Monte Carlo calculation method for general use in Quantum Chemistry.
Project Status: Open for Processing Alpha test project. Limited work available.
Team Name: TeAm Anandtech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Alpha test for the Rosetta@Home project.
Project Status: Site is down. Project closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Ramsey@Home is a distributed computing project designed to find new lower bounds for various Ramsey Numbers using a host of different techniques.
Rectilinear Crossing Number
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Determine least number of crossings a straight-edge drawing of the complete graph on top of a set of n points in the plane obtains? (i.e. If there are a specific number of points on a graph, and straight lines are drawn between all of the points, what arrangement of the points will provide the lowest number of crossed lines?)
Project Status: Project closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project closed
Project Description: Use distributed computing to render complex POV-ray animations.
Resource Measurement
Project Status: Site is down. Project closed.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Measure system resources available for distributed/grid computing.
Project Status: Project closed. (Temporarily closed for development of new application as of 1/8/2009.)
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: Reversi is a project that uses Internet-connected computers to find out Ultra-weak encryption solution.
Riesel Sieve
Project Status: Project closed. (Project was shut down for a server move August 2008 and never came back online.)
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: Implement the prime testing software used by the Riesel Sieve Project under the BOINC system. The project's goal is to prove that 509203 is the smallest odd k where for every n >= 1, k*2^n-1 is composite.
Project Status: Open for processing for Linux users. (Others can attach but won?t get work)
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Radio Network Design (RND) is a telecommunication problem which consists of covering a geographic area with radio signal using the fewer number of transmitters that cover the maximum area.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Determine the 3-dimensional shapes of proteins in research that may ultimately lead to finding cures for diseases such as HIV, Malaria, Cancer, and Alzheimer's.
Project Status: Closed beta testing.
Account Creation: Account creation closed as of June 20, 2007.
Project Description: Increase public access to nationally significant scientific literature. Enhance the usefulness of digitized materials by creating a Web repository of scanned literature, keywords, and online resources with tools for searching and analysis. Create an educational tool for learning about plant life.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).
Seti@Home Beta
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Beta test for the Seti@Home project.
SHA-1 Collision Search Graz
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Research in cryptanalysis, testing NSA encryption hash SHA-1.
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Account creation disabled.
Project Description: Unknown. Site is in Russian. Babelfish can translate it.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm Anandtech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Create a public database of pre-calculated protein similarities for use in many bioinformatics methods and studies.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm Anandtech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Study statistical computations for Spin dynamics to determine methods of making molecular magnetic materials for Nano technology.
Project Status: Site is down. Project abandoned?
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Site is down.
Project Description: Study arc welding techniques and technology.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Search for the smallest possible start configuration of Sudoku.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create in client.
Project Description: Find disease-provoking genes causing some types of diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer, schizophrenia and many others.
SZTAKI Desktop Grid
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Search for generalized binary number systems.
SZTAKI Desktop Grid Research Facility
Project Status: Closed alpha testing
Team Name: none
Account Creation: By invitation only.
Project Description: Test & research facility for SZTAKI Desktop Grid.
TANPAKU (English version of the site is here.)
Project Status: Project is closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project is closed.
Project Description: Japanese protein prediction project. Similar science and goals to Rosetta@home.
The Lattice Project
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Development of a computing grid for scientists to use to conduct large scale research calculations
Project Status: Not open yet. Update on 4/26/2006 says the project is suspended due to lack of interest.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: Not open yet.
WU Processing Time: n/a
WU Expiration Time: n/a
Project Description: Uses Internet-connected computers in the translation of books into languages that would not be economically viable to translate manually.
Traveling Salesman Problem
Project Status: Project closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: Proof of concept project. Determine the most efficient way for a traveling salesman to visit the capital cities of all 48 continental United States.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Simulation of two-phase fluid behavior in microgravity and microfluidics problems to design better satellite propellant management devices and address two-phase flow in microchannel and MEMS devices.
UCT: malariacontrol.net
Project Status: Open beta testing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: The UCT : malariacontrol.net project is a test project in collaboration with MalariaControl.net in Switzerland that aims to test the correct operation of our server for future BOINC-based projects.
UH Second Computing
Project Status: Open beta testing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Simulate macromolecular interactions in a living cell. Using multi-scaled models we are assessing meaningful biopolymer dynamics that spans several orders of magnitude in time and space.
Virtual Prairie
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: Understanding clonal Strategies in complex ecological systems: from individual plant behavior to multispecies interactions through a Virtual reconstitution of a Prairie (ViP project).
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: The aim of the project is to count the quantity of prime numbers in a large interval. The worst possible known algorithm is used in order to utilize lot of computing hours and many work units to test the BOINC system and study the client API.
WEP-M+2 Project (Wanless)
Project Status: Open for processing. (Linux and MAC clients only)
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: WEP-M+2 is based at London, UK, and is currently investigating factorization of Mersenneplustwo numbers.
World Community Grid
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on the site.
Project Description: Runs the FightAids project to find better treatments for AIDS patients, the Help Defeat Cancer Project, and the Human Proteome Folding project to predict the shape and folding characteristics of human proteins.
Project Status: Project is closed until further notice. Note on the site says that they will still export stats for the tracking sites to monitor and they may re-open the project at a future date.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Account creation is closed.
Project Description: Measure resources available on personal computers involved in grid computing to improve computing efficiency.
Project Status: Open for processing.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Create on site or in the client.
Project Description: BOINC wrapper for the distributed.net project running OGR work units.
Zebra RSA Bruteforce
Project Status: Project closed.
Team Name: none
Account Creation: project closed
Project Description: Attempt to break the encryption key for RSA SmartCards so that the key can be used to install new applications on the smart card.
Zivis Superordenador Ciudadano (Zivis Citizens? Supercomputer)
Project Status: Project closed.
Team Name: TeAm AnandTech
Account Creation: Project closed.
Project Description: In collaboration with the Institute of Biocomputation and Physics at the University of Zaragoza and the National Laboratory of Fusion of the CIEMAT, the project ZIVIS is the creation of a platform of Super Computation based on the union of computer science equipment at the university and home computers owned by the citizens of Zaragoza.
11/10/2009: Updated formatting for vBulletin forums. Removed all of the old update notes and processing times for my old CPU since they were irrelevant and vBulletin said that the post was too long. Updated a lot of old projects (I didn't make a list, sorry) to show their closed status. Added Anansi, EDGeS@Home, NFS@Home, and PicEvolvr.com.
Last edited: