Comparison of Fascism/Nationalism to Trump/Some Conservatives

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Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
This is straight from the definition/explanation of fascism on Wikipedia.

"Nationalism is the main foundation of fascism. The fascist view of a nation is of a single organic entity that binds people together by their ancestry, and is a natural unifying force of people.Fascism seeks to solve economic, political, and social problems by achieving a millenarian national rebirth, exalting the nation or race above all else, and promoting cults of unity, strength, and purity."

Like the concept of the "true Americans" which are (according to some conservatives) of course Conservatives, non-liberals and non-progressives and of course those with "true American heritage", non-Mexicans/Latinos and non "minority", with the "correct" sexual orientation of course.

"Fascist states pursued policies of social indoctrination through propaganda in education and the media and regulation of the production of educational and media materials.Education was designed to glorify the fascist movement and inform students of its historical and political importance to the nation. It attempted to purge ideas that were not consistent with the beliefs of the fascist movement and to teach students to be obedient to the state."

Carson already said he would "monitor" universities for "extreme political bias" (aka: leftist thinking) and was actually openly talking censoring, because this is what it is. We can also mix in the attempts of some Righties to either remove Evolution from schools or at least make schools include Creationism as viable alternatives. "purge ideas that were not consistent with the beliefs"

"Fascism opposes liberal democracy. It rejects multi-party systems, and supports a single party state. However it has claimed it supports a variant of democracy"

Yeah we know many Conservatives hate "liberals", in-fact it's gotten so far that "liberals" seems like a swear word now...for them this word designates someone who should not have any rights, certainly not the right of voting! According to some Conservatives, Obama is only president because of a mistake of some sorts, because many "iberals, in particular those from over the border voted for him. That liberals and leftists are a normal part of a healthy, free democratic society has obviously become an alien concept to them.

Fascism emphasizes direct action, including supporting the legitimacy of political violence, as a core part of its politics.Fascism views violent action as a necessity in politics that fascism identifies as being an "endless struggle". This emphasis on the use of political violence means that most fascist parties have also created their own private militias (e.g. the Nazi Party's Brown shirts and Fascist Italy's Blackshirts).

This sounds very much like Trump's proposed Deportation Force to me. How Trump will "triple the number of enforcing agents", which implies other logistical problems such as the requirement for more detention centers etc. is OF COURSE not answered.
The funny thing is that today, not apprehending and deporting every single illegal is actually more a financial and logistical problem before anything else. We don't do this because it's "cool to have so many illegals", we do this since it costs a lot of money to apprehend and deport each single one because it has a questionable cost/benefit ratio.
So who will pay for tripling the agents and more detention centers? Oh hey, YOU of course :)

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
Notice how the Right uses words like fascism, persecution, oppression and thought police? Well, that is because they are doing it themselves - they aren't the victims, but pretend to be as they execute the assault.

And, notice how the Right blames some group (other than themselves) for their problems? Like the Nazis did with the Jews.

Also, notice how the Right has concocted all sorts of boogiemen?
- The Media
- Ebola carrying invaders from the Souther border of America
- Death Panels
- Job Killing Health Mandates
- Congress plotting to kill US citizens
- Muslims invading the US (last I checked, we did some pretty expensive and grand invading of Arab nations...)
Like how North Korea likes to paint the West.

Here is the best part: the Right knows what they are doing. It is not unintentional. So, when the 'Murican screeching begins, just nod and show them the proof that is in the pudding.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Notice how the Right uses words like fascism, persecution, oppression and thought police? Well, that is because they are doing it themselves - they aren't the victims, but pretend to be as they execute the assault.

And, notice how the Right blames some group (other than themselves) for their problems? Like the Nazis did with the Jews.

Also, notice how the Right has concocted all sorts of boogiemen?
- The Media
- Ebola carrying invaders from the Souther border of America
- Death Panels
- Job Killing Health Mandates
- Congress plotting to kill US citizens
- Muslims invading the US (last I checked, we did some pretty expensive and grand invading of Arab nations...)
Like how North Korea likes to paint the West.

Here is the best part: the Right knows what they are doing. It is not unintentional. So, when the 'Murican screeching begins, just nod and show them the proof that is in the pudding.

I can't say they are pretending because I believe they CAN be simple minded enough to believe what they say. At any rate, Hitler never said there were some Jews who were probably good people or that they could come back into society after they did some time in a concentration camp. I don't see racial hate so much as ridiculous thinking. I also do not worry fantastically much about it because I don't think any action will actually come to pass. It's just too stupid to deport 11 million people.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2012
Imperialism is the only similarity. All other parallels would more closely match with democrats. Governments tend to go far to the left when times get bad.

-Blame all financial problems on some minority group (Jews, "the 1%", bourgeoisie, land owners, employers, entrepreneurs).
-Dramatically increase taxes and government spending.
-Minimum wage laws, pensions, vacation time, other benefits for workers.
-Create policies that lead to a negative migration rate (Jews fleeing Germany, employed people fleeing Chicago).
-Promise free shit to everyone.
-Insist that the solution to government-created problems is more government.
-Support highly inflationary monetary and fiscal policy (real wages during Nazi control fell considerably due to inflation).
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