I have a Intel X25-M SSDSA2MH080G2K5 and am looking at getting a Intel SSDSA2CW080G3K5. I need to know since there is a difference on R/W speeds (90Mbps vs 70Mbps) will it work alright in a RAID 0 setup?
You really need to look into more information about setting up a RAID0 and the risks involved if you think R/W speeds have any sort of impact on if they will work together in the first place. Also, its MB not Mb, regardless those numbers are meaningless here.
If you are going to RAID anything, the member drives should be of the same model and same firmware to ensure stability, reliability, and performance. If you can't find an IDENTICAL drive - don't bother.
what's wrong with that? i ran dual 160GB intel G1 drives in raid0 for 2 years with no problem. never had any failures or any performance degradation. course, i ran the tonytrim with perfectdisk and AS Cleaner every so often, but still. never had an issue.
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